Other forms of Self-evaluation?greenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
In the Spring 2003 edition of the International Journal of Reality Therapy, the article, Self-evaluation of Quality Choice in Reality Therapy written by Batya Yaniger, made reference to the 22 forms of Self-evaluation. In this article was mentioned the one form of Self-evaluation of Congruence between values and behaviors. I would like to obtain this list of 22 forms of Self-evaluation. One example that comes to mind when I used this particular form. I play recreational basketball after school with several friends. I play for Fun, Power, and Love and Belonging. A few years ago, while in a very emotional, close game, I chose to anger. The score was tied; it was necessary to win by “one.” So the next point won the game. Another player, who in my opinion occasionally calls “non-fouls,” to benefit his team, made what I thought was a bad call to allow his team to keep possession of the ball. After voicing my opinion, in probably colorful gymrat vernacular, I checked the ball to him. Instead of handing the ball or lofting the ball, I sort of tossed it, saying, “Fine then.” The ball bounced from his hand and came off his chin. They did end up scoring, thus winning the very close game. After the game, I left the gym to go shower-up. On the way to my truck, I thought about returning to apologize for my behavior. The more my Feeling wheel calmed, the more I regretted my behavior. I admire fairness, sportsmansip, kind treatment of others, and enjoy friendly competition. My behavior was not consistent with my values. I frustrated over the weekend, and planned on apologizing to him on Monday. The hot guy didn’t come to play on Monday, so I had to wait to restitute until Tuesday. I told him something similar to, “Hey, I want to apologize about last Friday. That’s not the way I act.” We were cool after that. I was cool after that.Happy American Indian Day to all you other "Skins" out there!!
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), September 19, 2003
F.Y.I. I received the following response from Batya. She informed me that I could obtain further information and questioning strategies in Reality Therapy in the 21st Century, by Robert Wubbolding (pgs. 112- 115). Furthermore she indicated that there is an article called The Why and How of Self-Evaluation by Wubbolding, Brickell, Loi, and Al- Rashidi in the International Journal of Reality Therapy, Fall 2001, Volume XXL number 1. My appreciation to Batya. TD1. Overall behavioral direction and purpose
2. Choices, as in whose choices can you control
3. Specific behaviors and whether they are effective or ineffective
4. Specific actions and whether they break the rules
5. Specific actions and whether they are acceptable or unacceptable, for ex. do they seem reasonable to the people around you
6. Thinking behaviors and whether your self-talk is effective or ineffective
7. Belief system and whether it impedes or enhances harmony in your family relationships
8. Feeling behaviors and whether the emotions they experience are helpful or harmful, for ex. do they draw people towards you or push them away, what effect do they have on your physiology/health?
9. Clients' best interests: Do specific actions and thoughts enhance or diminish their best interests
10. High-quality or low-quality behavior: What effect does your behavior have on the quality of your work?
11. Life-enhancement: Does your current lift goal and behavioral choices enhance your overall life or impair it?
12. Is your behavior congruent with the goals of the organization?
13. Wants: Are they realistic or attainable
14. Wants: Are they beneficial or harmful to yourself or others?
15. Wants: Are they precise and clearly enough defined to cause consistent action?
16. Are your wants nonnegotiable, highly desirable or mere wishes, and which is the most and least important?
17. Perceptions: When you compare your inner sense of limitations with the external ways in which others present themselves, are you being fair to yourself?
18. Perception of locus of control, i.e. what do you have control over and what don't you have control over?
19. Is there congruence between your values and behavior?
20. What is your level of committment to get your desired results?
21. Plan of action: If you follow through with your plan, how will your life be better?
22. Professional self-evaluation: How am I facilitating my own personal growth, what is the quality of my service, etc.
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), September 22, 2003.