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I have been searching the web, and no where can I find a reasonably priced Sesshomaru keychain or phone strap. I am looking for a well detailed one with a nice likeness to Sesshomaru, not a one of the Gashapon keychains. I have checked on e-bay and couldn't find a seller, selling only a nice Sesshomaru keychain, most of then came in sets (of 5). If someone knows where I may be able to purchase one please let me know. (even if the price seems high, once I see the item I'll determine the price I would like to pay for it) Thanks!!

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003



-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003

hmm... i saw a entire set of keychains in a Chinatown store in Boston... I only bought Inu-Yasha. ^_^ ...I think it cost $3 for a chibi keychain. So, unless you live in Boston, then sorry. ohh... i saw a couple Magic Knight ones too... their swords lit up when u pressed a small button on the hilt. Fuu!!! b

ut tell me, how much would u go though to get Sesshomaru...?

*wink wink*

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

Try Japantown...

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003

oriental city .......................... but it depends coz the japanese dtuff there gets sold out really quickly

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2003

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewItem&item=3249388843&category=39557 here ya go

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2003

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