ANIVERSE IRC????????????????????????????? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey wats up with this irc stuff i keep hearing about wat does it do and how does it work alot of people say that irc is a great way to get anime so i wanted to know how it works thanks

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003


IRC is a chat program, basically you get onto a channel filled with people, and these people have automated scripts that enable you to download files from them. It's like direct connect or file share, but without the whole minimum 20-100 gb hard drive of anime requirement.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

you might want to have someone teach you how to use it, because if you try to learn it by yourself, it will be really hard, and you will also risk getting banned.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2003

Try here...

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003

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