Let's discuss Self-evaluationgreenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
In your spare time, choose one of the below and share your opinions, experiences, or insights, regarding the following 22 forms of Self-Evaluation obtained from Robert Wubbolding's book, Reality Therapy in the 21st Century, sent by Batya Yaniger.Some are used to deal during frustrating. Some are used during planning. Some are used. . . . Share that knowledge. TD
1. Overall behavioral direction and purpose
2. Choices, as in whose choices can you control
3. Specific behaviors and whether they are effective or ineffective
4. Specific actions and whether they break the rules
5. Specific actions and whether they are acceptable or unacceptable, for ex. do they seem reasonable to the people around you
6. Thinking behaviors and whether your self-talk is effective or ineffective
7. Belief system and whether it impedes or enhances harmony in your family relationships
8. Feeling behaviors and whether the emotions they experience are helpful or harmful, for ex. do they draw people towards you or push them away, what effect do they have on your physiology/health?
9. Clients' best interests: Do specific actions and thoughts enhance or diminish their best interests
10. High-quality or low-quality behavior: What effect does your behavior have on the quality of your work?
11. Life-enhancement: Does your current lift goal and behavioral choices enhance your overall life or impair it?
12. Is your behavior congruent with the goals of the organization?
13. Wants: Are they realistic or attainable 14. Wants: Are they beneficial or harmful to yourself or others?
15. Wants: Are they precise and clearly enough defined to cause consistent action?
16. Are your wants nonnegotiable, highly desirable or mere wishes, and which is the most and least important?
17. Perceptions: When you compare your inner sense of limitations with the external ways in which others present themselves, are you being fair to yourself?
18. Perception of locus of control, i.e. what do you have control over and what don't you have control over?
19. Is there congruence between your values and behavior?
20. What is your level of committment to get your desired results?
21. Plan of action: If you follow through with your plan, how will your life be better? 22. Professional self-evaluation: How am I facilitating my own personal growth, what is the quality of my service, etc.
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), September 25, 2003
No 1 above came, I think, from the work of Perry Good. She would consider it essential to always widen the "What do you want" question to include 'future wants' Thus she would ask the client "What direction do you see your life going?" She would try to ascertain in what direction did they see their behaviours and their wants bringing them and try to find what purpose they had as they lived their lives.. I think this is what is being referred to here.
-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigio.ie), September 26, 2003.
KEN, Beneficial as it would allow the student/client to see where possible inappropriate behaviors might be taking him/her. And it would be beneficial to those students/clients who are choosing appropriately to focus and set some goals, i.e., what to study in college, what profession to pursue. My daughter, who is doing well academically and is athletically inclined told me that she would like to go into Sports Medicine. . . Later, gotta go, I've students. Thanks, TD
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), September 26, 2003.
Since I wrote the above I came across Perry's article on the subject. This is how she puts it:"Use overall direction questions to reach the clients quality world system of values.Everyone has a quality world system of values. We all know quality when we see it and feel it.However,we are often unaware when we choose non quality world pictures to meet our needs. Overall direction questions tap into the clients qw system of values.Ask the client if s/he wants. To be a strong person To be a succesful person? To be a happy person? To be in control? T to have a good relationship?" She then goes on to list when the above questions might be used but I think it is usually self evident i.e. the first question would suit if somebody is in a very difficult life situation etc.
-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigio.ie), September 27, 2003.
Some comments and connections to #'s 3 and 4--Specific behaviors and whether they are effective or ineffective ; Specific actions and whether they break the rulesI am currently a social skills teacher at the elementary level. One of the first learnings our students accomplish to understand the following statement, "We choose our behaviors, consequences, and, indirectly, our feelings." Within this teaching, our students learn that behaviors can be of certain classifications, i.e., effective or ineffective, appropriate or inappropriate.
While investigating our Fun area of the Quality World, I've done an activity in which I ask the students to show an emotionally neutral face. After the grins and chuckles have subsided, I say, "McDonald's." Invariably, smiles will break onto faces, either reflecting upon the Happy Meal toys or chuckling, because some of their fifth grade peers still "jolly-up" on McDonald's. We then recognize McDonalds as being a Quality World item, due to its abiltiy to gratify our need for Fun. I then pose the experience of riding on a giant roller coaster. After doing so, I pose, "Which would you rather do? Wail on the ole Happy Meal or ride a giant rollercoaster?" Using this activity we are able to understand effective and ineffective (less effective). I encourage our students to choose the "Happy Meals" we encounter everyday, but every so often grab onto one of the "giant rollercoasters" life offers.
And to address appropriate or inappropriate, they understand that when we strive to meet our needs, we make many choices. We can choose to acquire any thing, do any activity, or be any way as long as we do not harm ourselves, others or damage property. We can literally "cut loose" using these as guidelines. They come to understand, that following Choice Theory allows lawful, conscious, and caring behavior. Have an effective day. TD
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), September 30, 2003.