Buying an MV F4S : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have tested 2 MV's now, a Sept 01 and April 02, both 1+1 UK bikes. I will be buying private in preference to trade. What do I look out for, I've heard lots of recall stories etc..Is the later bike the better ?. I think the later bike should also carry whats left of MV 2 year warranty. any info will be useful thanks.

-- Carl (, September 30, 2003


The April 02 has got the major recalls (oil filter & front brakes) done already. It also has the more powerful motor. Just make sure it's an actual 02 and not just registered in 02. The 02's should have the ev02 decal on the tail piece and think the frame number should be over 4145.

I'd go for the 02 for the warranty as well as the other reasons I mentioned above.

-- Matt Thompson (, September 30, 2003.

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