evaluate outcomesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
how do you evaluate outcome results after copletion of reality therapy
-- suzanne brunelle (suzy8159@aol.com), October 08, 2003
Suzanne, Reality Therapy can be used in making the most life-changing decisions or choices and can be used to simply alleviate something as mundane as Saturday boredom. Keep in mind the questions--What do I want?; What am I currently doing to get what I want?; Is it (my current behaviors) working to get me what I want?; What else can I do, if my current behaviors aren't going in that direction?Our feeling state is the determiner if we are getting what we want to meet our needs. Currently our elementary social skills classes are learning that our feelings can indicate what need must be met. For example, we bore when we need Fun; we might anger or frustrate when in need of Power; we might feel coerced, frustrated restricted or angry when needing freedom and we might feel sad, lonely, unloved when needing Love & Belonging.
Suzanne, I would think that if one's feeling state becomes more positive, indicating an alleviation or lessening of frustration signals, Reality Therapy is begin productive. If not, one must revisit the RT question, What else can I do?
Is there any thing else I can do to clarify my response? TD
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), October 29, 2003.