money???? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Can someone give me like 999 dollar or something so i can buy stuff..??????

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003


me too

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

and me!!!

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

Yeah right. like ANYONE is gonna give anyone 1,000 dollars! If you do get $1,000 email me and tell me and i will send you twice of what you are lookin' for. cause if you could get $1,000 for free, I bet that there would be over 500 million questions saying the same as yours. You make me laugh (no offense but anyone with sense wouldn't ask a question with such an obvious answer).

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

blah, he was mocking an earlier thread:

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

of course no one will give you money if you ask them that question. you should be more smart...hummmmm like this question which is always on the TV.. please you will be greatfull if you help these homeless dogs which are hungry for days for just 999 dollars is that sound?? i would give myself 999 dollars if that so..haha

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003

As you now i was bored and i was only kidding cuz noone can be that stupid thats thinks im doing this for real so remember it was an joke=P

-- Anonymous, October 14, 2003

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