greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hey, im looking for this movie, dont know if its subbed but doy you guys have heard of it?

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003


it has been screened in movie theatres across Asia. There is a movie version and a 2-part TV version. It's really scary, about a curse that falls upon anyone who enters this haunted house. you can probably find TV-ripped copies from Kazaa.

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003

hey thnx!!

i already searched fot it on kazaa and didnt find a thing, but i'll try again...

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003

hey, i am in japan and am haveing no trouble finding it here. both parts one and two. alos after a short search i found it on sites like amazon and such. should be easy.

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003

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