SINCE YOU GUYZ ARE SO GOOD.... : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What program do i need to burn anime or movies as a vcd or dvd so that i can play it in my 5 year OLD OLD OLD dvd player.... most of the time vcd stuff i burn out on nero only works on my comp or other ppl's dvd player.... oh yea can u plz tell me where to find these programs also?? thanks a lot!!

Chibi Goten is kawaii!! lol

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003



-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

It depends what kind of DVD ur old old old dvd player can read :) When you'll know that you'll only have to burn ur dvd (with a dvd burner btw not an ordinary cd burner) into that format and it will works. For the programs I couldn't tell you because I don't have a dvd burner but I know that "Clone DVD" (similar to clone cd) is very good.

If you need more help don't be afraid to email me or get me on msn.

Akamaru kun

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

Does the dvd player say that it can play VCDs?

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

it can play vcds dvds but everytime my friend burns a vcd or dvd movie like matrix or something it doesn't work yet it works on his dvd player. and i do have a dvd burner... i tried using dvd creation but everytime i click i try to load a movie file to burn it says that the avi file is corrupted but i theres nothing wrong with the file... it works on my comp and all.... i'll try to find clone dvd... thanks

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

OK, first of all you can only burn VCDs with .mpg file formats: not AVI! (just d/l mpg movies or get an avi to mpg converter [takes a long time though])Also, you need a program like "Easy CD creator 5" or higher. If your dvd player has mpg file playback you can just create a data cd with the mpg file on it; this will only let you play the file not rewind or fastforeward it. But if it doesn't then burn it the reg VCD way. Secondly, even though you comp plays the files fine, it will have a few rough spots on your dvd player simply because it's not as powerful. And last but no least: if you intend to play avi or mp4 files then i suggest getting a DIVX player (4 your tv not the sofware. You can purchase a DIVX player on ebay for abt. $130 this will allow you to play anything (well almost from mp3 files to avi to dvd and more!) Hope this helps!

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003

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