pornography : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Is there a difference between porn, and looking at nude ladies for pleasure? I have a nonchurch going friend who masturbates and looks at "porn" aka nude women, and I have ben trying to get him to mostly stop masturbating, but I will try to make him stop looking at nude women if it is porn, because I know thats a sin. Thiss is also not aI have a friend that needs help in a cover up that you need help. It really is a friend. Thanks for helping. -Matt

-- Matt Hentges (, November 05, 2003


It does not matter what you call it, if you look at it and feel lust or masterbate, it is an evil act.

-- SpiderMan (, November 05, 2003.

Porn is a big business !! __ But porn , in my point of view , It's just fake sex and you have to pay for it to look at it !! __ Call me stupid , but stupid it is !!

But please be honest , who of you have never seen such movies or such magazines ?? __ I did , but such movies are boring , but as they say:"curiousity kills the cat" !!

As long there are humans , no one will be the same !!

Salut & Cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), November 06, 2003.

Porn and looking at nudes are both equally sinful, because woman and man both together represents God's image.

Satan loves to 1. Degrade and dishonor God's image, so that we lose all respect and love for one another, instead be filled with lust for one another. 2. Defile our own bodies (the temple of the Holy Spirit) so as to grieve the Holy Spirit. 3. Defile our conscience so that we feel cut off and unapproachable before God and also make us feel shy and introvert in our relationship with others. 4. The effects of such memories of sinful images, words, and lingering addictive pleasure offer a fresh course of temptations and perversions, which one may take recourse to escape tormenting thoughts, hurts, failures, responsibilities, guilt, boredom, and inferiority complex, etc., thus a vicious cycle of bondage is created. 5. Marriages are easily destroyed when persons of such mentality and bondage enter into. A replay of porn in mind follows, and he decides to use the opposite sex a tool to satisfy all this perverted desires. Porn, immoral viewing, and perversions change the circuit wirings of our brain. Instead of carrying impulses of tender love and compassion, intense impulses of lust and animal passions flood the brain at the slightest provocation. The other extreme is intense fear, shyness, guilt, and resultant impotence.

The woman expresses a more refined image of God (the Virgin Mary expresses this fully) full of tender love, compassion, purity, modesty, simplicity, humbleness. Every woman is a potential loving mother, sister, and daughter, whose presence is supposed lighten the burden of man both physically, mentally, and spiritually. Whose loving smiling presence would make a family totally happy and contented. Sadly, the devil knows it and so he attacks woman right from the womb to the tomb, so she should in no way realize her full potential and be a vessel of love and salvation. So, we see how our governing laws, legal system, ethics and morals, our educational system, our family health care system, medical system, psychiatric associations, feminist organizations, even churches has been are controlled by demonic powers to faciliate to this end, especially what I would say "dewomanization" of women so there would be just animal females and resultant love-deprived brute males in the image of the beast. American culture is the most successful model of such demon-controlled state , and managed to spread her perverse doctrines to other nations. It makes me sometimes remind the great Babylonian whore of the Revelations, who will face God's wrath.

With great burden and sorrow in Christ.

-- leslie john (, November 06, 2003.

Porn and looking at nudes are both equally sinful

A question:

If your wife takes a shower , is it forbidden for her man to watch ??

If your man takes a shower , is it forbidden for his wife to watch ??

If a man & wife would have sex with eachother , may they watch eachother ??

Salut & Cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), November 06, 2003.

Mother looks at her child while bathing with tender love and compassion. The christian husband can cultivate the same, he may look at his wife in the same way. Even in sex, your desire should be to sacrificially please her and see her content and happy without the slightest discomfort. Oh..if you only could do that your joy would be 10 times more than normal. Look at her body during sex to see how she has surrendered all her privacies dignity to you in total love and trust. If you want too look, look at her body to read her unspoken needs so that you may know how to satisfy her, and delight in seeing her satisfied and content. There is a great joy and contentment when a good mother feeds a child even when the mother has not eaten and hungry. That should be the attitude. If you look at her as in porn to be inflamed with lust and selfish passion, it is a sin as in adultery.

-- leslie john (, November 06, 2003.

Porn and looking at nudes are both equally sinful

And what about students who paint a nude woman at school ??

Salut & Cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), November 07, 2003.

there is a HUGE difference between being aroused and masturbating to sexually oriented images, and REVELLING in porno. we are sexual beings-- some people are more sexual in nature than others, however. im not condoning pre-marital sex, casual sex, wanking, and the like, but frankly, an occasional sexual release (w/ a partner, or an auto-erotic fantasy) is healthy for the body, the mind, and one's sense of humor. i went to an all boy's catholic high school. because it was non-coed, the instructor's may have been more at ease w/ sex education. i remember a priest in 11th grade religion class telling us "theres a difference between masturbating once a day vs. five times a day" (his exact words). i am open and respectful to contrary opinions, so please be respectful of mine.

-- jason r. (, November 07, 2003.

im sorry-- i was not clear when i mentioned "revelling in porno". by that i mean 1) it becomes an addiction 2) self-respect is out the window 3) constant awareness of the size/attractiveness of a person's body parts (breasts, penis, buttocks, etc)...

for reference, i am not a psycologist or a theologian. i am just a civil engineer (and there are days i wonder/lament about that). so my opinions are not based on texts or research. just to let you know that i dont claim be an expert. thanks

-- jason r. (, November 07, 2003.


As long there are humans , no one will be the same !!

"wherever you go, there you are" (from Buckaroo Banzaii, I think)

"he waited as patienly for the coroner as a man waiting for a turkey sandwich" (Steven King quoting a bad writer, and a fav of mine)


Masturbation is sinful whether once a day or five times a day, just like killing once a day or five times a day would be. Everyone has their own sins, but they should *try* to be as best they can. Frank

-- Someone (, November 07, 2003.

What if your not married, is it a still to look at nudes?

-- Matt Hentges (, November 07, 2003.

Hello, Matt.

I think that you accidentally messed up your last message. I'm going to assume that you intended to ask this: "What if you are not married -- is it a still sinful to look at pictures of nude people?"

If your purpose of looking at the nude human form (whether a living person [e.g., stripper], photo, or other) is to bring about sexual stimulation in yourself, then it can be mortally sinful.

Many people can dispassionately and sinlessly view the nude human form in the fine arts (e.g., Rodin's "Thinker" or Michelangelo's works in the Sistine Chapel).

But almost everyone who looks at porn publications or films or strippers is intentionally experiencing lust and sexual gratification -- which can easily be mortally sinful. God made intentional sexual gratification something that is for marriage.

God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (, November 08, 2003.


You said earlier that when a man has sex with his wife, he can look and her and be satisfied with meeting her needs if he truely loves her. Would this be the same if they were not married but loved each other with all their hearts?

-- Jon (, November 13, 2003.

Love and fornication are incompatible. Love respects, uplifts, and heals. Sin uses, drags down, and injures. I am not saying that an unmarried couple who are truly in love might not give in to temptation and sin - but only that doing so is an indication of the weakness of their love, not its strength, and that commission of such an act damages their love rather than building it up as it does in marriage.

-- Paul M. (, November 13, 2003.

-- Paul M.

First this , I don't say marriage is bad !!

I know a happy unmarried couple , who are living together (already , 20 years) , and have 3 kids happy & healthy kids , so I don't see the problem !!

And another couple (friends) , who were unmarried for 8 years , and did get a kid , after 3 years living together , 5 years later , they decide to get marry , 2 years later on , they gave the birth to their second child and their 3thone , 1,5 year later on !!

btw: They are now married for 13 years !!

Both couples are happy !!

In SOME cases , it's better some couples not get marry !! __ Why does some couples marry , knowing they can't keep their hands of sex with other peoples ?? __ Such things , causes a lot of unnecessary painful situations !!

A cousin of my divorced (8 years back) after 18 years marriage , 'cause his ex couldn't keep her hands of other men , they have 2 kids !!

Salut & Cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), November 16, 2003.

Marriage is not bad !!

But , in SOME cases , it's better some couples not get marry !! __ Why does some couples marry , knowing they can't keep their hands of sex with other peoples ?? __ Such things , causes a lot of unnecessary painful situations !!

Am I right ?? __ My question is absolutely not stupid !!

Salut & Cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), November 20, 2003.

During the sexual act the brain releases certain chemicals that are very similar to addictive drugs like opium. In God’s plan these chemicals contribute to the “unitive” aspect of sex; we, in a sense, become addicted to our spouse. When we use pornography or even our own overactive imagination to “self medicate”, we become addicted to our perverted fantasies or to the pornographic images. This is a perversion to God’s plan and is therefore sinful.

The effects of the natural addictive chemicals produced by sex are very powerful, and their addictive qualities very strong. The person who engages in the practice of masturbation and the viewing of pornography runs the grave risk of addiction and the subsequent loss of his or her freedom through the enslavement to this sinful practice. To willingly run this risk is also sinful. Since the addiction to pornography is progressive and the temptation can be triggered by may different types of stimulus it can also be sinful to view things which would not normally be considered obscene or pornographic, if they lead one to more serious problems.

There has been a growing trend for people who should know better to encourage young people to use masturbation as a “natural” release of sexual tension. People who legitimize this very dangerous and destructive practice place the young people in their charge in very grave danger. They should be aware that Our Lord suggested that one who would lead one of these little ones astray should have a millstone tied around his neck and be cast into the sea.

The traditional defense against these temptations has been to avoid the near occasion of sin, by guarding the eyes and the imagination. In today’s age of the internet and TV, that means that we should make it difficult for ourselves to view the internet privately, do not keep a computer in a closed room, rather keep it out in the open where the whole family can see what is going on. We should be careful to only use it when we need to, do not engage in aimless surfing. When watching TV, decide early in the week which shows will be watched, and plan the TV viewing for the family. If you live alone, cancel the cable subscription and if you can get along without the internet get rid of it as well.

It is also important to remember that the struggle to live purity is a joyful affirmation of our Love for God. Our Lord Promises that, ”Blessed are the pure in heart , for they will see God.” Our active prayer life is the surest defense against these types of temptations. When we strive to live purity, we leave ourselves open to the influence of God In our life; our ability to pray is enhanced, we are able to see God in those around us, and we can embrace the love that God showers on us at every turn.

And finally remember that the source of our strength is the Sacraments, in particular Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Frequent confession with a good priest is the surest way to gain the grace to defeat impurity. Monthly is an absolute minimum and If one has fallen into the trap of habitual impurity I would recommend weekly. Do not forget, when we confess our sins, not only are we forgiven, but we also acquire actual grace to help us avoid those sins in the future. A good priest will also give us spiritual direction and good advice. After cleansing yourself in confession get to Mass and Communion as fast and as frequently as you can, daily Mass should not be out of the question, the Eucharist is the most important source of Grace we have, and will help tremendously. Just be sure to get right with God in confession first. Do not pile the sin of sacrilege onto the sin of impurity by receiving Communion unworthily.

-- Ted Rosdil (, November 24, 2003.

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