Warrenton, Georgia depot

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Could you please tell me what year the Warrenton, Georgia depot was moved (the entire structure) to Augusta?

I understand that it belonged to the Savannah & Atlanta Railway Company,which merged into the Central of Georgia Railroad Company in 1963.

Thank you for any information you may be willing to share.


Tom Turner

-- Tom Turner (Turnerdash@aol.com), November 10, 2003


Tom, I don't recall when the depot was moved over here (to Augusta) but it must have been in the mid to late 1980's. However, there was an article in the Augusta Chronical just a couple of weeks ago indicating that the depot is being moved back to Warrenton soon, as it will be used by the Warren County historical society (I believe). The depot has been "abandoned" again during the past 5 years since the new Augusta History Museum opened and moved from the old Richmond Academy Building site, where the depot still sits on Telfair St. just behind the city/county building. It is a brown stained building and had some railroad agent's relics in it when part of the museum here. Jim Goolsby

-- Jim Goolsby (pioneeraugusta@mindspring.com), November 10, 2003.


I don't have any specific information on the depot, but the Savannah & Atlanta Railway did have a station stop in East Warrenton, Georgia.

The S&A was purchased by the Central of Georgia Railway in 1951. In 1963, the Southern Railway purchased the CofGa (including the S&A). In 1971, the Central of Georgia "Railway," the Savannah & Atlanta Railway, and several shortlines were all consolidated into the Central of Georgia "Railroad," which was operated as a subsidiary of the Southern.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), November 10, 2003.

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