Nadesico and MakaiTenshou : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I want to know, please, where I can find Nadesico (more than 4 episodes) and the mini-serie MakaiTenshou (aka ninja scroll).

Makai tenshou is an animation had make for the same as Evangelion, is so rare...ó.Ò

I'll stay for a reply, and sorry for the poor english!

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003


my friend downloaded his Makai Tenshoh from Kazaa. You'll just have to wait though since downloading through it takes a very long time and his first download was a bullshit file so he downloaded another one from another source.

Anyway, both those series are only on Kazaa nowadays.

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003

Thank you very much! I'll see in the Kazaa one, I find the nadesico there too ^^

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003

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