Yo! Why didn't cha vote?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

:::Original post:::

I didn't get nuf results for the poll me did! Why didntcha PPL vote? GODAMMIT! only like 4 PPL voted I didn't get nuff sults so now I will post nutha Poll sumwher durin TG time if I memeber!

:::Translation for dose retards who dudn undastand:::

I didn't get anough results for the poll i did! Why didn't you people vote? Godammit! Only four people voted I didn't get anough results so now i'll post another poll somewhere during Thanksgiving time if i remember!

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003


first of all, what poll. Second, what's the point it typing the short version of a word if you're just going to repost the message again?

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003

Your kindness has literally made me rush to the page and vote. I was being sarcastic by the way.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

Sorry, I don't usually pay attention to people who use the word "cha" instead of "you." It may be because I'm not retarded.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

For Pikuro Hime: Why didn't you just post the Translation version instead of posting that crap twice?

What a useless Post, Yer wastin space and time by posting such uneeded peice of shit!

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

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