And you think I'm an Iconoclast Let me tell you about GWB : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

What do you think about this latest act of Congress on Medicare. I have to give it to the "president" he pulled off a great hoodwinking of the populace again. AARP ought to be ashamed of itself going along with this legislation. Oh and if you have coverage in retirement, be prepared for change, big changes. The rich are taken care and the very poor will be okay but those of us in the middle, watch out.

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2003


Don't you just hate it when someone makes you look up a word in the dictionary before you can cut loose on them? I waited after this was posted hoping someone would give me a clue but no one did so I looked it up. It synomyn for Democrat to GWB. I hope that it remais sufficiently vague so that others will have to resort to looking it up. I did discover the Online Distionary however. As to Medicare, if you are able to read that peice of legislation and fully understand the impact, I call you GENIUS. One senator said we would have to wait and see due to the complexity of the new legislation and the Medicare system as well.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2003

I was struck by the quotations and lower case p around "president". Let me gently correct that error by stating George W. Bush is the President. Big white jet, Secret Service security, saluting Marine at the door of the helicopter, weekends at Camp David, the entire full meal deal! And as a bonus, he doesn't play around with his interns. Whatever his policy, I think that last part is what really matters to God.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2003

Very good Pastor Paris. and the "president" is based on Michael Moore's depiction of the "president" in his book "Stupid White Men." And I am so glad the constitution protects my right to call GWB the "president."

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2003

Harold -

I'm sure when you are elgible for prescription drug benefits you will thank our "president" and retract your editorial :-) To think I thought lower case usage was just a literary tool used by the author bell hooks. Micheal Moore also has some unkind words in "Stupid White Men" for that old Ozark Philanderer who preceded GWB. QED

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2003

I work with retirees and medical coverage. Something had to be done and quick, but I am not certain the package, as presented, is a good one. Have you noted the out of pocket limit a senior must meet before the plan is scheduled to pay? What about the prescription much will it cover? In addition, what is the lifetime maximum on each participant? How and will the government pay on certain procedures? How much is a life worth, and will the generation funding the plan be willing to pay for it?

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2003


You are right something needs to be done and quick however the senior prescription benefits in this new bill do not take effect until 2006!!! Some time earlier next year, seniors will be able to purchase a discount card for about $30 which will give them a manufacturer sponsored discount on the most costly non-generic drugs. I know that many of you love GWB and the Republicans and many of you are probably members of AARP but this time, you got shafted.

2006--2 years and change away, after the election and probably after the 2006 mid terms. We have an economic policy that once again gambles on Reaganomics that David Stockwell economic theory that reduced tax rates combined with decreased federal spending will offset budget deficits with increased productivity and higher revenues.

But GWB does not have decreased federal spending because of the War on Terrorism and although the economy has shown some signs of life, the productivity gains and revenue increases are still a ways off. With an economic policy like the supply side theories being advocated by this administration timing is everything and right now, the timing is not in balance and we may have reaganesque deficits for quite some time.


-- Anonymous, November 28, 2003

Dear Brother Forgive me if I appear out of line but the voters of the United States of America elected George W Bush the President (and Commander in Chief) of the United States of America. He deserves, whether you like it or not the proper title and spelling thereto. I do not think very highly of him at times but he is your President. He can and should be encouraged to reach for the highest standards and values of any leader. America will have many challenges despite whoever sits in the White House and yes Medicare (Healthcare for that matter)will have challenges. God Bless You all

-- Anonymous, November 28, 2003

In order to smooth the feathers of some of the readers of this discussion board I still think President (there are you all happy now) George W. Bush (does this show respect?) has not solved or come close to solving the healthcare crisis in general or the medicare crisis in particular. Brother Nathan whether or not the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania is the elected President was decided on a 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court. We accept this as fact but we Americans do not have to like it. And we are free to be irreverent about if we so desire per our constitution.


-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

I am a senior on Medicare and I don't have a problem with the changes as I see them. However, the complex current Medicare rules are difficult if not impossible to understand and I daresay they are even more ambigeous. So how can you complain about what might happen? Perhaps we need to let the seniors speak.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

Pastor Paris:

You are certainly right that Medicare is a tough nut to crack, and believe it or not I applaud the President for opening the floor to a discussion of Medicare reform. However, I find it very interesting that this particular measure was passed with a speed that was mind- boggling for a bill whose major provisions don't take place until 2006.

I can complain about it because not only seniors pay into medicare all working Americans do, and furthermore as the son of retired seniors I pray daily that their former company does not cut them off of their very generous prescription coverage since Medicare will have in 2006 such coverage. Retirees should be very concerned about this legislation and demand explanations from their congressional delegations about this reform measure.

This is one thing the church should educate itself about so that we might all come to some understanding about where we are headed with regard to a system that impacts a large percentage of the congregation of many AME churches.


-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

I agree with our gregarious gadfly that Medicare reform has signifcant implications for our AME churches since many of these churches have large elderly congregants. I spoke with a member of the AME Health Commission this morning and urged the Commission to develop a short manual which can be disseminated throughout our Connection about the Medicare Reform legislation. She indicated her willingness to undertake such a project. This should be a priority issue for the AME Commission on Health. QED

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

Having made more than my share of missed words and typos in posting on this board. Let me just remind my esteem brother in Christ that not only do we have large elderly congregants we have a large number of them also.

Get it? Got it? Good!


-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

There's one thing many readers of this board still fail to grasp: President Bush was put in office as a soverign act of God in response to the fervent prayers of Christians around the world. I still remember how I prayed prayed prayed while the Florida recount went on. Many other prayer warriors did the same because we fear God, and therefore hear God, and were able to recognize God's choice.

We recognized Al Gore specifically and the Democrats in general are hostile to the Gospel and Christians, so we prayed. God heard, and in an act of supernatural power, established George Bush as our President. God overcame the popular vote, and half the Supreme Court to establish His will.

I can't guarantee He'll do the same every time. It may be He'll desire to judge our country at some point, and as in the days of Samuel, give us a "king" as we desire.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

Hmmm RP:

Interesting post, very interesting post. Now let me get this right Bush's presidency is an act of God. Hmmm that's interesting. Perhaps you should read Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Men" and see how many acts God performed to get Bush elected. First and foremost among them was making sure that Black and minority voters were purged from the voting rolls in Florida. God did that? Maybe your god did that but my God loves justice to much to be a party to that kind of crap.

Bush is the president and we accept that. But let's leave it at that.

I love America, where we can agree to disagree.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

Harold -

Thanks for the correction. My focus is on the large "number" of churches in our Connection consisting of elderly congregants. I didn't intend to imply that the obesity crisis in America was limited to our elderly congregants :-) In fact after the holidays I need to do some extra exercise myself. QED

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003

Bro Harold:

Perhaps the prevention of some votes was one of several tools God used. He prevented people from voting against His will. And by the way, please watch your language. Using barnyard terms only dilutes your credibility on a Christian board. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2003


Thanks for the concern about my credibility. But I would caution you to be more concerned about your own when you allege that your god would use malfeasance, misinformation, contortion, extortion,crookedness, exaggeration, malconformation, misrepresentation, misstatement, mutilation, perversion, slant, smoke, story, and assorted tall tales to interact in the acts of man. Your god sir, I repeat, does not sound like the God of mercy, peace and justice I serve.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2003

God uses anything, including evil. He used pagan kingdoms to judge Israel, Adolf Hitler to establish modern Israel, He uses even bad things to establish his purpose.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2003

In my opinion, what was suggested in that last post can only be described as BLASPHEMY. But then again, Jesus (God the Son), warned us the day would come when men would attribute deeds and acts to Him not belonging to Him. Therefore, the best way to describe it is in Jesus' own words to His Church on earth.

"And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, He is there; believe him not." (Mark 13:21;Matthew 23:24.)

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" (Matthew 7:16)---"WHEREFOR BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM" (Matthew 7:20.)

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2003

More information regarding the Medicare policy has been brought out in the news of late. Basically, it was a political coup for President Bush, a defeat for the Democrats, and a big ? as to how it will relate to those people on Medicare in 2006. Also, have you noticed the political right, whom always worried about the deficit in the past have not said a word. It is said the Medicare costs will skyrocket in twenty years. Again, we have very nearsighted politicians.

Many corporations do not want to carry retiree medical coverage. You wait until 2006, many Americans now covered under corporate plans will be dumped into this new plan. So far I've heard of an out-of- pocket limit of $3,750 per person per year, and $600 per person per year prescription drug plan. I understand this will probably change, and again, the average American retiree will be left out in the cold.

I was reading RP's comments, and they mirror what Chris Matthews' said this morning on his tv show. He basically wrapped up the meaning of Thanksgiving in America. Because the Protestants hated the Catholics and the Catholics hated the Protestants and the Quakers detested everyone, the constitution allowed all to pursue their various religions. Because they were unable to get along, they adopted the religion of "patriotism" where all could agree. When Chris Matthews summed up Thanksgiving this way I felt so very sad and sorry for him and the people who believe in him. Apparently, he never understood that we thank our Creator during this time, and that God is above all, even country. God is no respector of persons or nations.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2003

Dear Brother America does have a crises on its hands with Medicare. I agree that you very much have the right and freedom to make as loud the point as you have made.George Bush, in my opinion will not be able to propose the cure for this as the political lobby's like AARP don't help as they have done in this case. I salute your spirit my Brother the middle class better watch out. This one needs to be addressed across America before the next election. The price, like the deficit and debt is growing faster then the cure


-- Anonymous, November 30, 2003

With respect to the "blasphemous" post:

Didn't God use a prostitute to help the Israelites in taking the promised land?

Didn't he allow the Babylonians and Assyrians (the ENEMIES of the Children of God) to enslave them, and thus turn their hearts back to him?

Didn't he tell Samson to marry a Philistine (unclean)woman?

Doesn't God allow Satan to not only exist, but tempt us?

I don't necessarily agree with the God-Hilter-Israel concept, although he WAS a Roman Catholic.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2003

Reverend Harper,

Allowing evil to exist is totally different from being a party to it. The "Wheat and Tares" will grow together until the Final Harvest when Jesus comes again. Thus, the good grain will not be uprooted before it is fully grown.

God is ONLY Good and there is no shadow of turning in Him. Being or using what is evil is completely contrary to Him. On the other hand wherever good exists He uses it for his purpose and design.

Rehab like each of us, and all the other human beings you mentioned were persons whom God created good. While it was true she was a prostitute she was still disposed, as God created her, to do what was good. Thus, both she and the spies were saved by it. Apparently her life was forever changed as well. For she is one of only FIVE women recorded in the Genealogy of Christ.

We see the same in our own salvation. God meets us where we are. But when He meets us He calls us to a higher Good. "Christ Redeemeth Sinful Men"--whom God created good. And should they fail to be redeem, He has a place for them.

Whether one is Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian or Pentecostal has no bearing on it. Both evil and good men and women exist both in the Church and out. But, to attribute anything to God which is contrary to His nature is, again, in my opinion what it means to blaspheme.

God simply cannot do evil or be a party to it. What God created and uses we can be certain is always GOOD.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2003

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