Voice addition when creating a CD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm considering scanning 35mm slides to my PC. When I then transfer these images to a cd is there some means of adding commentary in the cd?

-- JOHN C. BENNETT (cosmo_001@frontiernet.net), December 11, 2003


Hi John,

I have only just come across this forum and saw your post.

When you say commentary, do you mean a kind of a voice-over which plays when the image is displayed? Or do you just want some notes to be attached to the file?

If the latter, you can do that in most photo editors through the File Info feature. PhotoShop, both the full version as well as Elements, will do that. Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8, will also do the trick.

A simple way is to increase your canvas size so that you have a clear border at the bottom into which you can add text.

A voice-over when you view the image may need a video editor. I make dvd/vcd slideshows with some of my stills. I add both a sound track as well as a voice-over commentary. However, you lose image quality. So what I do is to create an additional folder on the DVD/VCD for the original pix.

Ulead, Pinnacle and other video editors all can do this.

You will most probably have solved yor problem by this time but if you need more info, please feel free to mail me.


-- Lawrence Ho (lywho@tm.net.,my), March 13, 2004.

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