found lots of brownies-help : LUSENET : Brownies Buy and Sell : One Thread

My father died recently and I have just found a large collection of cameras. There are many kodak cameras ie instamatics, box cameras etc but also 28 different brownies. I don't know if they are very common or have any value as I don't collect myself, but here is a list of what I have: Brownie 44b, 44a, vecta, cresta, cresta 2, 127, reflex, flash 5 and six-20 model c. Most of them have cases and some are in their orignal presentation box. If anyone knows if any are of any value or is interested in them pls let me know,

-- vicky (, December 12, 2003


I might be interested

When you decide a value please email me I might be interested for the right price. Do you have any Pics?

-- L E P (, January 13, 2004.

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