I don't know what I have

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I was given a piece about six inches tall. It's some kind of metal ornate bowl supported by three elephant heads. The top, which looks like a six sided roof comes off. Inside the stand is stamped made in France Paris, and in the roof is stamped made in France, also 1265 with a little symbol beneath. There is also the name Vantines which looks handwritten. Although it says made in France, it looks very oriental. Can you tell me what it is? Jacqueline

-- Jacqueline Ann Coleman (eavle@i1.net), December 13, 2003


It's an incense burner.

-- David Negley (negleyd@nyc.rr.com), February 19, 2004.

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