Anyone here like writing Dragonball Fanfics? : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

DAMN am I tired of posting this...This is about the 15th time, but all my friends keep getting off-topic and they're the only ones clicking on the thread...So if you can help me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

OK, guys, here it is. I'm not gonna go into the details about my whole Doujinshii like last time, just the stories I need to finish. But to answer previous questions I've gotten-It's not fanfiction but Doujinshii cuz I draw the stories too, and I'm good at drawing Anime so the art is good at least if the stories suck. Most importantly one I think is pretty funny with no title as of yet-It begins on Sky Palace...Here's the script for it, lucky I printed a copy cuz I'm at school and my home computer is fucked up...Here goes! (On top of Sky Palace, the Saiyajin stand in Bulma's made armor) Vegeta-OK, Radditz. So far Kakarotto, his son, my son and myself have become Super Saiyajin. Since you're on the Z Senshi now it's YOUR turn!!!

Vegeta-Just gather your power...AND RELEASE YOUR ANGER!!!!!!!!!!!! (Vegeta powers up in a huge burst of Ki to SSJ, as do the others)

Radditz (in awe)-Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba...But what do I have to be angry about?

(Radditz' fictional daughter I made up in a fanfiction shows up. Don't ask-But Vegeta really thinks she's hot and tries to sleep with her a lot)

Tanip-Hey guys!! Are you training up here? Can I join you?

(Vegeta begins to drool and leaps into the air, tackling her and pinning her to the ground. Radditz looks over to see Vegeta on top of his daughter (Don't worry people!! They're not naked and nothing happened!!! Go read some Hentai you perverts!!!)


(Vegeta looks up with shock)


(Radditz screams and his hair (ALL HIS HAIR) rises. He unleashes a huge roar and stands in the glow of Super Saiyajin...And his hair is INSANELY long...I can't imagine SSJ3 Radditz...*Shudders*)

Vegeta (Terrified, off Tanip now)-O-o-o-o-o-o-o-k, Radditz!!! You did it!!! My plan to get you angry and go Super Saiyajin worked!!! Y-y-y-y-ou can s-s-s-stop giving me that l-l-l-look, now, 'kay?


(Radditz charges and Vegeta stands there too scared to move. Chi-Chi suddenly walks in, stunning everyone and stopping Radditz in his tracks)

Chi-Chi-Hey, everyone!!! Wow, Radditz-san, you look good as a blonde! Much more handsome than Gokou-Sa!! Well c'mon everyone, we have to get ready for the party at Capsule Corporation!!!

(Everyone falls down)

(Inside the Son House)

Chi-Chi-Come on, Gokou-Sa!!! You're wearing this tuxedo whether you like it or not!!! (She tries to force it on him)

Gokou (Whining in that high-pitched voice that Masako-san does AWESOME, by the way)-But I don't wanna!!!

Chi-Chi-Come on, Gokou-Sa!!! You'll look handsome!!! Please?

(Gokou puts on the tuxedo reluctantly)

Gokou (Mumbling)-Not as handsome as Radditz grumble grumble...

Chi-Chi-What was that, Gokou-Sa?!

Gokou-N-n-n-othing, dear!!!!

(Tanip walks in)

Tanip-Hey guys!!! Whaddya think of this cat suit?

(Radditz freaks out. Gokou stands with his mouth wide open and Chi-Chi smacks him, and polite li'l Gohan-Kun covers his eyes)

Radditz-Tanip, change RIGHT NOW!!!! No daughter of mine is wearing that!!!!

Tanip-And why not?

Radditz-Well, uh...It's...You know...You just can't wear something that...Revealing...To a formal party!!!!


Radditz-No buts!!! You're not going as a little slut!!!!

Tanip-And what if I WANT to look like a slut? Did you ever think of that, dad? Fine, I'll change if it'll shut you up!!! Geez, parents...

(At Capsule Corp. the two Saiyajin of the Briefs family are getting dressed as well)

Vegeta-Ugh, I HATE wearing Chikyuu-Jin clothes...

Bulma-Oh, Vegeta, it's just for the party!!! You can change after!!!

Vegeta-Baka onna...Well just what the Hell is this party for anyway? Are you even going to TELL us why we have to get dressed up?

Bulma-Well Lunch just appeared out of nowhere the other day looking for Tenshinhan!! He proposed to her!!! They're getting married!!!

(Back at the Son house, Chi-Chi is telling everyone the same)

Chi-Chi-...And so it's only polite you take a break from training and we celebrate this!!! Don't you agree, Gokou-Sa? Gokou-Sa?

(Gokou is over at the table stuffing his face with Chi-Chi's food)

Gokou (Mouth full)-Huh?

Chi-Chi-GOKOU-SA!!!!!!!!!! Those are for the party!!!!!!!!!!!!

(At the party, Tenshinhan and Lunch arrive. Shortly after Gokou-tachi show up at the door as well. As Tanip walks by the door Kame-Sen'nin and Vegeta peek at her from behind the couch)

(Later at the table, Vegeta pours drinks as Gokou stuffs his face again)

Gokou-Did you make these, Vegeta? They're really good!!!

Vegeta-Baka!!! Of course not!!! (Looks around and waits for Bulma to walk by)

Vegeta-Yes I did, Kakarotto, but don't tell anyone!!! Bulma doesn't want anyone to know her cooking sucks.

OWARI DA!!!!!!!!!!!

So that's as far as I've gotten. Can anyone help me finish this up? Preferrable Yonk, AngelGoten, Majin Vegita...Cuz I know you guys and I think you'd have good input. If I accept it I'll give you full credit for the part you wrote. Thanks a lot!!!! Ja Ne!!

PS-CHRISTMAS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT OVER TO ME!!!!!!!!!!

There. Now can you help me? Nobody else is trying to...They jsut keep getting off-topic and talking about the Garden Gnomes when there are plenty other Off-Topic threads here...And also go to Majin Vegita's new Forum!!!! It kicks ass and is better than this, but we need more people here!!!!!!! Incase you didn't know he's the moderator and he really wants people there!!!!!!!! SO DO IT OR HE'LL SHUT THIS SITE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Suupaa Gohan 2 (, December 27, 2003



-- )v(ajin\/egita (, December 28, 2003.

I like writing DBZ Fanfiction! I have lots of really cool stories about the Chibis and Christmas and...Suupaa Gohan 2?!?!?!?! This is your post?! Well, um you already knoiw about my stories and...well this is awkward! Anyway, yeah!


-- Yonk (TrunksandGoten@ChibisareKawaii.chibis), December 28, 2003.

Sorry again SG2, but I have to say this. What SG2 said in the last paragraph is VERY IMPORTANT!!!! And the first reply is also VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! But mostly her last paragraph. i repeat, VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

That is the other Anime Forum SG2 was talking about. Like I said, Last Paragraph = VERY IMPORTANT. I hope you will forgive me SG2 for going off topic again.

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, December 28, 2003.

OK, but you're done being off topic, right? RIGHT? They can read these so DON'T COME BACK please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yonk, you didn't recognize this post? Man that's odd...BUT TRY TO GET OTHER PEOPLE TO READ THIS OR...Yonk, didn't you say YOU were working on finishing it for me? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!! I have some good new ideas and I'll never get around to them IF I DON'T FINISH THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd have given up by now but this is really the only story I wrote that I actually DON'T think sucks, so yeah...


-- Suupaa Gohan 2 (, December 29, 2003.

Sounds good. I personally don't write any DBZ Fanfics myself but I've read a lot of them like this (Fictional characters, stuff like that), and yours is very good. So you say you're drawing it as well? Interesting. I can't draw Anime for crap!!!!!! But it would make a cool Dojinshi I'm shure. You have other stories, right? Or is this the only one and will be very long? I'm interested in this. Good luck!!! And Majin Vejiita if you're the Moderater you should at least know better than to go of topic when specificly asked not to. Sorry I have no answer for you but good luck.

-- Nobody Nose (fuckoffnoneofyourbuisness@fake.fake), December 30, 2003.

Yeah, she has a couple of other fanmangas.

Don't worry. We know her, and we were just messing around with her. Anyway, se was the one that started to go off topic in her previous post, but I'm not against going off topic in this forum, but I am against spam (useless spam, like posting stuff such as jkshgkj or f4sd454ds4sf, but not stuff like, I love anime, or I love dbz etc, but if it gets out a hand (like 3posts in a row on every thread, will delete them.)).

-- )v(ajin\/egita (, December 30, 2003.

Oh I see. Well good luck anyway.

-- Nobody Nose (fuckoffnoneofyourbuisness@fake.fake), January 05, 2004.


-- )v(ajin\/egita (, January 05, 2004.

Not to you, to Supa Gohan. I have no sugestions but I hope somone helps you.

-- Nobody Nose (fuckoffnoneofyourbuisness@fake.fake), January 06, 2004.

Thank you. I just wish someone would help me soon...*Cough cough* YONK *Cough cough* No, but not just him, ANYONE JUST HELP ME!!!!!

Itsu ka mata aeru~

-- Suupaa Gohan 2 (, January 06, 2004.

I like writing fanfics and yours is funny. HAHAHAHA! *ahem*

-- Bulma90_13 (, January 27, 2004.

Thank you! Could you think of a good way to finish that up? I NEED TO FINISH IT AND MOVE ONTO MY NEXT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Suupaa Gohan 2 (, January 29, 2004.

I just needed to re-post here so it moved back to the "New Answers" section. PLEASE HELP ME DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Suupaa Gohan 2 (, February 12, 2004.

hey, that was pretty sweet. Hope u post more.

-- ... (, April 01, 2004.

You like it? Thanks!!! But I can't post more of this story cuz as I said, it's not done yet. Can you help me finish it? And if people like my stuff I can post my other stories too.

-- Suupaa Gohan 2 (, April 01, 2004.

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