Twenty-Somethings Struggle to Find Their Place in Christian Churches : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

“Although it may come across as unwarranted skepticism, young adults are questioning their church experience in some legitimate ways,” Kinnaman said. “Their disenchantment has raised questions for churches related to relevance, discipleship, authenticity, the use of art and technology in ministry, relationships, music, learning styles and teaching, teamwork, leadership hierarchy, stewardship, and much more. On the flip side of the coin, young adults – many who have grown up in unhealthy families – struggle with character issues, with relational isolation brought on by their hyper-individualism, with Bible familiarity, and with being over-critical of their elders. Consequently, many of the legitimate questions young leaders ask get lost in the jumble of generational warfare.” Another Barna Research Study

In Christ

-- Bill Nelson (, January 01, 2004


for Chris...

-- Bill Nelson (, January 01, 2004.

I tend to agree, the 20-somethings also have the bain of modern society tellign them that current society determines morality, and often this morality is at odds with what the Church teaches.

Issues such as family, charecter, and social duty have been replaced with Individualism, self motivation, and instant gratification. Reverence, once prised, is now seen as weak mindedness, whereas insulting barbs are seen as "Cool."

One hopes society turns around soon, for if this trend continues, all bonds of fellowship can be at ruisk, and culture in general will fail rom us.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), January 01, 2004.

A hostile news media doesn't help either. Whenever something happens in the Church they trot out the same old tired batch of dissenters. The youth are left with the impressions that there are no faithful people left.

There is only one solution: radical devotion to Christ! If they (by they I mean we since I am in the late twentys) see a true Christian hero, then they will have an image to follow. This is part of the amazing appeal of John Paul II (I think).


-- Dan Garon (, January 02, 2004.

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