OK, I have a queatsion, and I mean no disrespect, I am merley curious. I will present two scenario's. One a real world one,a nd the other fictional, but familaiar. The reason will be discussed first.

For starters, I am curious, and the other reason is proffessional. I am a writer. I was thinkign of writing in a Catholic charecter into one of my sci fi stories.

Now,I wont discuss my made up pwrlds, as none will be familiar withthem. But I will discuss another world which we are familiar with, Star Trek.

But before I get to this, I will ask fo the real life example.

Catholics discuss the Sacrements, and talk of their imporetance. Especially important is the Mas, in which the EUCHARIST IS PARTAKEN OF. This I am aware of, but I was wondderign of naval life.

what of Catholic on a naval vessel, whoim are away from home? What of the ships chaplen isnt Catholic? How then can they take the Sacrements? How do Catholics in the Military services excersise this practice whilst in the middle of the sea?

The next scenario woudl be on a starship, traversing the Galaxy. Umagine, if you will, a slightly modified Star Trek in whiuch religion was not removed form society... and a Starfleet officer is Catholic. How then woudl he partake of the Sacrements? If the ship has a chaplen, the chaplen may not be Cahtolic, and if not, how can he serve int he Military and take the Sarements? Or is one done without? Is their justification for missing the Mass in these conditions?

Sorry, merely curious.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), January 06, 2004



I think you will find the answer to most of your questions at the Catholic Military site.

In Christ,

-- Bill Nelson (, January 06, 2004.


I was in the Navy from 1988-'92, and I served most of that time on a small ship (crew of about 210) which was at sea more often than not. There was no Catholic chaplain aboard, and no recourse to the Sacraments during long deployments. The only exception was if we were in port (either somewhere in the U.S. or overseas. In that case one would, obviously, have access to local churches. Having access to a Confessor who spoke English, of course, would be more difficult, depending on the locale.

-- jake (j@k.e), January 06, 2004.


Being a Catholic and a Sci-fi junky, I love your question!

The things you need to know. First, if you are unable to fulfil your Sunday obligation (this is the technical term) through no fault of your own then you do not sin or violate the demands of the Church. Second, it is possilbe for a Catholic to fulfil their Sunday obligation with specific other Christian groups. For example a Catholic can go to an Orthodox Mass if there is no Catholic one available. One of the great things about being Catholic is that you can go anywhere in the world and find a Catholic Church (even in countries where it is illegal to be Catholic there are undergroud Churches). So, like the above comment, you go when you have shore leave.

In terms of a Star Trek type reality . . .well on a ship the size of Enterprise you can be darn sure there would be a Catholic Chaplain. Same with a base like DS9. Voyager, probably not. In this case you just have to do without. You are in no trouble with the Church. You would just have to offer up the suffering you experience being unable to recieve the sacraments.

Soem other things to think about. How do you determine when your Sunday obligation falls if you are not on Earth? What if you don't even use an earth calendar? When are the feast days, when is Sunday? How about, does Rigilian wheat constitute licit bread for Eucharistic celabrations. What about Klingon BLOOD wine?

This stuff is fun to think about. I am glad that I am not the guy in Rome that will have to decide these things.


-- Dan Garon (, January 06, 2004.


Thanks fo hte answers guys. As ot he queatsions, I dont know about the bread and wine, but I am pretty sure computers can keep track of the Earth calenders for services.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), January 06, 2004.

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