Proposed O-Scale CofGa RS3 : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

A manufacturer has approached the Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society regarding a custom run of O-scale RS3s in the CofGa's blue, gray, and black paint scheme. These plastic models would probably be available with either 2-rail (scale) or 3-rail (tinplate) trucks and with or without sound.

Projected cost would be between $275 and $325, depending on the trucks and sound unit.

There is a minimum number of models that would need to be reserved to ensure the production of this model. If you have an interest in this O-scale model, please reply directly to me. Your reply won't be considered as a commitment to buy; it's just to determine the amount of interest in this project.

Allen Tuten President Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society, Inc.

-- Allen Tuten (, January 22, 2004


Yes, I would be interested, especially iin 2 rail O.

-- Stephen (, January 22, 2004.

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