Marriage : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

I'm unhappy in marriage. she's not to spiritual. she has not cheated on me . i married because she was pregnant . I'm there for my son. She is not a terrible person, I'm just confused I wouldn't have married her if she was not pregnant. but i do have love for her . I just don't know what to do either way there is pain. but what is right.

-- noah (, October 14, 2003.


-- David Ortiz (, February 26, 2004


Response to Marrage

All marriages eventually go thru stages of stress. Both of you should talk about the good things in your marriage. Both of you should spend time discussing the reasons for needing each other. Also, if you aren't members of a church, get closer to married couples who can help. Or, even "counseling" from a church leader, whom you trust. Marriages are not always 100% bliss. It can be a roller-coaster ride.



-- rod (, October 15, 2003.

Welp shouldn't have any marrital problems to speak of, unless of course he/she decides to consider marriage. Then, reality is gonna present itself in ways he/she never knew existed. Welp get your act together and stop adding more pain to sensitive discussions. These posts have real people behind them. They are suffering just as you have suffered.




-- rod (, October 17, 2003.

marrage is a great rasponsibility that once you chose to take you should do you your best to go through with it specialy if their is a child .

-- nasser fouad (, December 8, 2003.

Try taking her to church.

-- David Ortiz (, February 26, 2004.

Response to Marrage


did she marry you because she was pregnant? ie are you in the same boat?

how long have you been married?

-- Ian (, February 27, 2004.

Response to Marrage

I am in the same position. Married almost a year. Everyday I have to talk myself into why I need to stay married. My 9 month old little girl has a chance to have her family together. Once you get a divorce that ends for good. I had a good childhood. I want her to experience what it's like to have a complete family before I go and end it. A lot of people are not happily married. Find something good in it and embelish on it. Try to have more good days than bad. That's all I do. Everyday I take responsibility for what I have done and I try my best to own it and when she is old enough to understand, if I still want to leave, I will do it then. I love her too much to be selfish.

We are in the same boat. Let's ride it out.

-- Tina Bohn (, March 30, 2004.

Here is another thread about Holy Matrimony.


-- rod (, February 08, 2005.

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