Internal OLA's ? : LUSENET : Service Level Management : One Thread


The following relationships have been established from ITIL:

Customer <---SLAs---> SLA UNIT <---OLAs---> Internl Service Providers ^ | UCs | v External Service Providers

So this shows where SLAs, UCs and OLAs fit together. has a similary diagram (2nd one from top of page)

My question is what do you call the Agreement/Negotiation between 2 Internal Service Providers.

E.g. the SLA Unit tells Transportation they must give cars to IT Support Staff. So this agreement between ITC and Transportation, both of which provide their own services must have a name?!

What is the best name for it?



-- Bob Duncan (, March 01, 2004


was wondering if you have any templates of ola's? please email me if you do


-- stella tolios (, April 05, 2004.

it is called an ola

-- a smith (, June 14, 2004.

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