Can we all agree on just how CREEPY this is? : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

Check this picture out!!!! CREEPY, CREEPY, CREEPY! Doesn't this guy just look like Satan himself? He is deceased now, but I saw him on talk shows in the past. YIKES, and look who is shaking his hand!

I thought it would be nice to look at something "non-controversial" for a change.

-- Gail (, March 01, 2004



the guy with the bald head is pretty ugly too.

-- Ian (, March 01, 2004.

I sensed the picture was a fake, Gail.

The Legacy of La Vey, the bald guy was huge. I am talking in terms of evilness.

He was born a Catholic.

Later in the 1960s he came out with his own "Bible" about Satan. I actually got to read it. It really spooked me.

By 1969 he influenced not only the creation of Rosemary's Baby, but other people like Roman Polanski, the director of the movie, but other people as well. Such was the case of charles Manson. Some people are no longer familiar with the orgy of blood created by Manson's group.

Hotel California, an album by the Eagles around 1973 shows La vey in the original cover. Hotel California taks about an orgy practiced by La vey's followers.

Notice in the song The man says they haven't tasted that spirit (The Eucharist , that is , wine) since 1969.

It seems one of the Eagles runs to the door after witnessing the ritual. They stopped him.

In October 1997 he died. One of his daughters, the Catholic one, buried him in a Catholic cemetary. Another daughter is still in charge of the Church of satan.

It is hard to believe that Lavey took Catholicisms strengths to his advantage. He mimiicked the Bible in several passages. He just substituted the Evil one.

Marilyn Manson and others still keep the flame alive.

Roman Polanski also. He made the 9th Gate. about 30 years after making Romemarie's baby. The movie is about a re-encounter with Satan. I don't know how Johnny Depp lent himself for this movie. Some people just don't learn from Evil.

The Christian Yahwist

The Man of Yahweh

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, March 01, 2004.

Yes, Elpidio, it is a hoax as the article directly beneath it shows. The guy is CREEPY though . . . looks like the personification of evil, doesn't he?

You know, I always wondered about the lyrics to Hotel California. That was REALLY interesting. Tanks! I didn't realize the HUGE influence he had on the culture and events.


-- Gail (, March 01, 2004.

I actually saw it (Hotel California) in a book lent to me by one of my Catholic friends at work.

The Christian Yahwist

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, March 01, 2004.

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