The Silence We Keep : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Someone gave me a copy of KAROL SISTER JACKOWSKI's book, "The Silence We Keep," wanting my opinion on it.

I could not get through the book, it was so disturbing. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Sister Karol, but she obviously has a very disturbing agenda. Her book is just the beginning. She is anti-Pope, anti-Vatican, anti-male-priests. Although she claims to love the Catholic church, I didn't get that feeling at all.

Her dream for the future is a Catholic church run by the people, not the Pope. She appears to be painting all priests with the same brush. (scandal) She voices her outrage at the scandal 'now' that it is out in the open. Where was her voice before?

She wants a sisterhood, but no Mother Superior, no habit, not even a veil. She wants to be one of us..and is hoping for a better church.

Have I been missing something? Is there something going on that I don't know about? Where have I been?


-- MaryLu (, March 07, 2004


I guess what I am asking is this: Is there a movement going on to bring down the Catholic Church and using the scandal as perfect timing to get support for their goals?

-- MaryLu (, March 07, 2004.

She seems to be someone that doesn't quite get why the Church is the way it is and why it has to be that way.

Her dream for the future is a Catholic church run by the people, not the Pope.

While this is all well and good it is naive. Who is going to run it? Even the US has a president. Are the people going to vote the Pope into office? Right! 1.1 Billion people voting for one person. Most people that are voting couldn't even vote for their own government let alone the Church government. Has this woman learned nothing about the problems of lay investiture of the Middle Ages?

She wants a sisterhood, but no Mother Superior, no habit, not even a veil.

So she must have forgotten about what it means to be in a monastic community. The sisterhood is not important. What is important is how those nuns live their lives in the community. She wants to use the sisterhood as a distraction of life instead of a way to God.

The answer to your other question is yes and no. People like this are tacking advantage of the Church's volnerability right now. But I don't believe that any of her remarks will really be taken seriously. She probably used the Nunhood as an escape instead of truly wanting to be a part of the community. I will pray for her as all of us should.

-- Scott (, March 07, 2004.

I guess what I am asking is this: Is there a movement going on to bring down the Catholic Church and using the scandal as perfect timing to get support for their goals?

No because the Chruch is much, much more than simply the delapidated churches in Europe and North America.

-- Bill Nelson (, March 08, 2004.

"Her dream for the future is a Catholic church run by the people, not the Pope. "

She seriously needs to join the Epicosopalian/Anglican church for a while. That is the description of how that church is run. It works after a fashion -- almost a case of too much feedback where the Church has much too little. But I have never found a goverment form that is Just Right. But anyway this is part of the mission of the Episcopal church -- taking those so dissatisfied by the Church that they need a rest break and possibly a new target. Healing their souls and minds and getting them off your backs. Sean

-- Sean Cleary (, March 10, 2004.

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