West Virginia Legislature Approves Unborn Victims Bill, Gov. Will Veto

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West Virginia Legislature Approves Unborn Victims Bill, Gov. Will Veto

-- Bill Nelson (bnelson45-nospam@hotmail.com), March 16, 2004



-- Bill Nelson (bnelson45-nospam@hotmail.com), March 16, 2004.

1) There are issues where the pro-choice crowd will actively aid your side. Another such is the change in the law that allows a woman who has given birth to 'dump' her baby at a hospital no questions asked, no charges filed -- to avoid the same kid being dumped at a trash can. Easily supported by anyone, including your nominal opponents.

2) Your opposition to abortion *is* making a difference in the public arena.

-- Sean Cleary (seanearlyaug@hotmail.com), March 17, 2004.

Governor Bob Wise (D), Vetoes Unborn Victims Legislation

-- Bill Nelson (bnelson-nospam@hotmail.com), March 25, 2004.

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