Kick of .300 WSM vs. 7mm WSM & brownings boss sys. : LUSENET : MILDOT : One Thread

I am interested in getting a larger caliber rifle. I have always used 30-06 and I was interested in getting either a .300 WSM and 7mm WSM though I dont know anything about the bullets. I also do not know how much the kick is on either. I am a skinny guy so I dont have much padding in the shoulder really so thats why I dont want a rifle that will kill me and not be pleasurable to go hunting with but at the same time go to the range. Since I am only use to a 30-06 I was wondering if any of you thought the .300 WSM and 7mm WSM kick like a mule or if they are that bad. Also I was looking at the Browning Stalker and was taking a look into that Boss system doess anyone know anything about it

-- (, April 30, 2004


I own a Remington 30-06 & a Browning 7mm wsm, and I would have to say if you can shoot your 30-06, you can shoot the 7mm. Just make sure to get it bore sighted before you go to the range!

-- Samuel (, May 18, 2004.

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