No Such Thing As "Nothing". : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

Yes, God created all that exists.

I cannot accept the idea that "Nothing" exists. If we look into space and cannot see a giant cookie in the sky, that doesn't mean that the cookie does not exist in the sky. The moment that we imagine that cookie in the sky, the cookie then exists. If we dwell on it, eventually the cookie in the sky becomes reality.

It has been asserted that the universe has no end, no edges, no finality. They claim that there is "nothing" beyond the universe. They say that if we could wander to the universe's extremities, we, by our presence there, would create more space; therefore, we would perpetuate the expansion of the universe. Hm?!

So, "nothing" exists, yet if it is "nothing", than there is nothing there to exist, yet it exists.....


-- rod (, May 05, 2004


There really isn't anything here.
But, if you are reading this, you've found it.

...................find it.................

-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

Hint: press "select all".


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

Wow, I'm just downloading some songs to check if this was true. Have you heard about that Rock music that says things if you play it backwards? I just check "Another one bites the dust" by Queen.

-- David Ortiz (, May 05, 2004.

Even when you think you cannot see Him, God is present. If you truly are in search of truth, you will find it when you thought it wasn't there. Some do not believe in Christ because they are blind and cannot see what is in front of them. They cannot understand life and its meanings and teachings. Sometimes, we have to show them even if they aren't willing to cooperate.


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

"Some do not believe in Christ because they are blind and cannot see what is in front of them" - rod

Wow, you must be turning Calvinist rod.

-- David Ortiz (, May 05, 2004.

Well, besides the early Satanic ritual chants, the Beatles did some backwards trackings in the 60's.


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

I was thinking about those highly intellectual types who reject Christianity as a result of their brainy-ness. They still have a choice. One day, they may see their options as plain as day.


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

Yes rod, they still have a choice. And ultimately they will decide what their nature allows them to, deny Christ. Unless God draws them, will they accept Christ.

-- David Ortiz (, May 05, 2004.


Did you know that the musical interval of an augmented 4th was considered satanic and , therefore, banned from all sacred music during the Mideval period? If you aren't musically literate, listen to "Maria" from Westside Story for the sound of that augmented 4th interval. "Maria" (main melody) begins with vocals singing the forbidden interval.


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

Yes, hidden meanings in songs and melodies: Queen, The Beatles, Satanic chant, Midieval church music, etc.

Things that are in front of us, yet we cannot see/hear them until we search for them. Fascinating!


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

"Musique Concrete" dealt with musical composition via tape recorder. The compositions involved recorded sounds and spliced tape recordings of those sounds. "New" styles of music never heard before were performed. It sounded very "random" and unconventional, to say the least. It even had reverse "masking" of melodic sequences. Ah! what musicians can do with technological toys--the tape recorder.


-- rod (, May 05, 2004.

Just thinking rod, God probably knew to what extent mankind would explore the galaxy and beyond. If man were to ever find what was at the end, perhaps he would become arrogant (nah). I'm sure Christ will come before we would ever discover the ends of space. Besides, the heavenly stars were created to boast of God's glory, not specifically for our enjoyment. Since God is eternal, I doubt that there is even a end to find. I'm sure there is "something" out there, and as our technology increases, the "nothing" will reveal "something."

Though, searching the stars while Christ came to Earth is a very clear indication of a farsided mankind.

-- Luke Juarez (, May 05, 2004.

I see, I sense, I ache, I dream,...I exist.

Rod, are you looking for Heaven?

The Christian Yahwist

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, May 05, 2004.

I sense that the Gnostics found Heaven, but it wasn't the Heaven Jesus spoke of. Heaven is all around us, in each of us. I just have to seperate that belief away from Gnosticism.


-- rod (, May 06, 2004.

"Though, searching the stars while Christ came to Earth is a very clear indication of a farsided mankind. "-Luke.

I guess we could blame that farsided-ness on that rock that fell from the sky. Those early people believed it was the "seed" of God. Kabalah (sp?) Mysticism was the result, or basically sun worship (Ra). Man has looked into the heavens ever since. Some still face heavenward in prayer. We still understand the "Light" as the supreme being. We cannot look at God for the light is too bright. Hey, we can't stand in the middle of the playground and stare at the sun. In other words, we will never understand the mysteries that we face, at least not as mortal humans.


-- rod (, May 06, 2004.


You said something about rod becoming Calvinist, and I think you'd be surprised at some of the similarities between Calvinist and Catholic. You might want to check out this Catholic site: How Close Can a Catholic Get to Calvinism?. It's by a former Calvinist turned Catholic. And if you're really up for a read, try Resisting and Cooperating with God.

-- Emily ("), May 06, 2004.

Quotes from the 5th Gospel:Thomas

I chose this, Rod, to make your point clearer. Since to a point, at least, we agree on Thomas.

3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.

83. Jesus said, "Images are visible to people, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light."

91. They said to him, "Tell us who you are so that we may believe in you."

He said to them, "You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment."

113. His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"

"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."

Heaven(paradise)(The Kingdom) is here already for us humans.Earth is part of God's domain.

This in contrast to what Gnostics, Greek Philosophers, and some modern Christian believe that matter is evil, and that Earth is part under Satan's rule.

God is light. His light shines over the entire universe.

That is why I could not comprehend a body like that of Jesus being able to contain God's light.

If Jesus was God, then his light could have made Jesus body a human lamp.

The Christian Yahwist

The Man of Yahweh

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, May 06, 2004.

Look at the "light" Jesus has shined throughout the generations of our world.

Has any other "man" done so much and produced so much hope for all of humanity, yesterday, today, and tomorrow?


-- rod (, October 05, 2004.

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