rear wheel removal : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

can any one tell me how easy is it to remove rear wheel on my mv agusta

-- shane hayward (, May 06, 2004


Shane, you will need a rear wheel stand. If you already have one the job is quite easy. You will need the proper socket wrench for the nut. Also a breaker bar or long torque wrench. It will be much easier if you have someone to support the bike on the side stand. Remove the ring clip. Have your assistant hold the bike and break loose the nut, but do not remove it. THIS NUT REMOVES CLOCKWISE!!! Once it is loose, put the rear stand in place and raise up the wheel. Then remove the nut and slide off the wheel. That is all there is to it. I hope this is helpful.

-- Cali-Kane (, May 06, 2004.

The simple answer is

In Principle: YES

In practice: Not so easy - the nut is done up to 120nm (it's marked on the wheel boss.) You will also need to get hold of a 55mm socket wich is neither easy to find or cheap to buy. Sprocket nut is the same size which helps to justify the cost.

-- Mark M (, May 07, 2004.

If you can't find a 55 m/m socket, use a 2 3/16" socket, but it must be a 12 point not a 6 point socket.

-- Kenny Nash (, May 07, 2004.

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