JVC GRD90U batery problem

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

The batteries are not charginf. I bought a new one and the camcorder was working perfectly with the power that was already in the new batery but when i tried to recharge it It didnt work. The camcorder works fine when the power supply is plugged.

Any ideas whats the problem?

-- Sahit Hidalgo (jsahithp@hotmail.com), May 31, 2004


I have the same problem and so does my friend. Did you ever get an answer to this problem?

-- Jerry Dawson (meltinginaz1@cox.net), November 09, 2004.

I have the same problem with a JVC GRD20 CamCorder. Three times in assistence, but they has not resolved any problems.

-- Francesco (effegatto@libero.it), December 24, 2004.

I also have the same problem Grd90u unit and now it dont even hold or take a charge what to do? I have had it about 2yrs

-- Charles (zarion9@aol.com), March 06, 2005.

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