where to get all 95 episodes of rurouni kenshin

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

i would like to know if there is a website out there that will give me all 95 episodes of rurouni kenshin

-- jes cer (prballer2288@yahoo.com), June 06, 2004


i know where u kan get them but before i give them to u what manga's do u have ? write a list of links .

-- erickson ramos (ericbl8148@aol.com), June 06, 2004.

www.anime-share.com You need to register first (free)

-- Callbaugh (BudmanUSA@hotmail.com), June 06, 2004.

I too want to ask where I can find Kenshin episodes. My cousin lent me a DVD set, but the last episode is missing, and I am frantically trying to find it. I tried to register at www.anime-share.com, but after registering and trying to log in, anime-share tells me I entered the wrong password/user. I tried using the link so that they can send me a new password via email, but i get an anime-share error page. If possible, could you help me Callbaugh, because you have an invalid email written above. Much thanks.

-- star_tenshi (etta_chan@hotmail.com), June 22, 2004.

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