InuYasha Website : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

I lost this website and I can't find it. This might help, here are some of the video clips : Angelus,Brand New World,Drunk,Play,Fetch, and thats all I can remember. Some on this website said that their InuYasha site hada lot of downloads.

-- :) (, June 11, 2004


I remember this site to. Although I sadly forget the address :( But another place to get downloads would be http://inuyasha- They've got trailers of all Inuyasha Movies (including a mini fourth one ^_^), the Anime Special of the second movie and much more. Check it out!!

-- HIYF (, June 12, 2004.

Hiya!! :D

yea i went to that site as well! well here's the URL

buh bye ^_________________^

-- Hing (, June 16, 2004. one of those

-- kira moreno (, June 18, 2004.

-- Trade Anime (, July 09, 2004.

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