Pierced by a Sword by Bud McFarlane

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Anyone read this book? What a page turner! I'm already half-way through the first in a 3-book series and I just started last night. Can't put it down.

It seems to the "Catholic" counterpart to the Left Behind series, only MUCH MUCH BETTER WRITTEN and of course true to Catholic doctrine.


-- Gail (rothfarms@socket.net), June 11, 2004


Sounds great, Gail! Thanks for the info. I'll have to check that out.

-- Emily ("jesusfollower7@yahoo.com), June 11, 2004.

Yes, I have been reading it, but I never finished it. I do want to say it is terrific, but there are some warnings that I think that will not ruin the story that I would like to say. It does mention a few of the unapproved apparitions in the story as really true. I think one of them that isn't approved yet, but that it does mention,is Garanbandal. It makes the people, characters in the book live through a prophesy from there.

I however do like the characters. Especially Father Chet. He is a really down to earth priest. Yet he is such a good priest. He is very Marian. I like the way the love stories go between the characters, very moral and romantic for all the ladies out there. I like the way the faith is presented. It shows the Truth of the teachings of the Church in a very cool way. It is action pact for all the men out there without the violence being overbearing. I like the evangelization between the characters. It isn't in your face, but very welcoming and gentle. It is very Marian.

It is a very fun and faith filled book with a whole lot of Catholocism in it. I want to finish the rest soon. I do got the other two, "House of Gold" and "Conceived Without Sin", to the series. I have just looked through these. I think I read a bit of one or both, but they are just as thrilling. You can get these three books for free. I did at www.catholicity.com

I hope that website still exists.

-- Sonya (johnsonya2003@hotmail.com), June 11, 2004.

All three books are very enjoyable. Conceived Without Sin is probably my favorite, although Pierced By a Sword remains the only book that has made my eyes water a bit. I read all three one after another at a time when I was starting to become more devout. I remember thinking when I was reading Pierced By a Sword that the characters sure prayed the rosary alot. It didn't seem real. Now that I've become more knowledgeable in the faith, and in touch with more devout Catholics I realize that it is real. Happy reading Gail!

-- Brian Crane (brian.crane@cranemillls.com), June 11, 2004.

Oh, and catholicity.com (McFarlane's website) does still exist.

-- Brian Crane (brian.crane@cranemills.com), June 11, 2004.

And Mr. McFarlane is still distributing them, as I just got mine last month. I think I got them through the Catholicity website. Great Catholic fictional novels . . . what a joy!!


-- Gail (rothfarms@socket.net), June 12, 2004.

Can this book be found at one's local bookstore, or is it an online-only thing?


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), June 12, 2004.

It is a really great, thought provoking book. About 6 years ago my sister-in-law gave me the book as a gift. She prefaced her gift to me by saying it was a Christian book - and I scoffed at the thought of reading it. I was a lukewarm Chatolic back then.

So one day, my car broke down and I found myself waiting hours for help. The only thing in the car was this dog-gone book I had carted around for months (too lazy to clean out the car - or so I thought).

I was riveted. Had absolutely no idea what to expect and loved it. It was that very book that has assisted in rekindling my faith.

I passed it along to another luke warm Catholic. Maybe the Holy Spirit will take hold there as well.


-- Jennifer (jrabs@jrabs.com), June 15, 2004.

What a great testimony, Jennifer. I'm going to leave it at my parish vestibule when I'm finished and pray that whoever reads it will be likewise "charged" with their faith!


-- Gail (rothfarms@socket.net), June 15, 2004.

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