Hellow Abbey

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Hope it worked and you in.

The messages left are a snapshot of time but generally don't show everything, you'll have to fill in the rest from your own memories. Happy hunting.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2004


yep im in- tnx 4 da help!

i c wat every1 sed bout there bein alot of them, but neva thought it cud b that much! the edit\find features helpin a load tho.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2004

Abbey, Your Dad even reached here to Australia. When he was on nights I was one of the few people he could talk to because of the time differences. We spent loads of time "chatting" to each other and winding each other up.

Not a day goes by without me thinking about him. We never met you see, but I still have his email address and other things on my computer. I will never remove them. Even writing this is bringing tears to my eyes. Even at your age you must realise just how lucky you were to have a dad like Ken and how much of an impact he had on the crusty old fools who come here. If you searched all the email addresses and sent individual emails to everyone you will not find anyone with a bad word to say about him.

I am sure that everyone who contributes to these boards would agree that if ever you were in some kind of trouble or need come here and you will find all the help and friendship you need, both male and females. I have a 16 yo daughter and would be privelidged to help in any way that I could. This is not my email address by the way it has not been in use for ages. If you have access to his computer I may be there under Mel Weightman.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2004

Any one watching that Euro04 thingy, smashing idea that. Why has no one thought of it before?

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2004

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