Live Jukola and Venla : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Todays is the day (June 19) for Venla and Jukola. The official Jukola web page has live speaker sound (which so far has been a mix of Finnish and Swedish). They've also got live updates of results.

I plan to go for a run soon (as of 8:30 a.m. here in KC the Venla is underway). So, I don't expect to post Venla updates. But, I'm hoping to be sitting at the computer for Jukola, which begins at 11:30 p.m. in Finland (so 3:30 or 4:30 in KC?).

-- Michael (, June 19, 2004


A couple of useful web links:

Streaming video web cams at:

Continuously updated results in English:

-- Michael (, June 19, 2004.

Oh no! It looks like former OKer Terhi Kauppila was DQ'd on the first leg for Tampereen Pyrinto's 8th team in Venla.

-- Michael (, June 19, 2004.

I'm going running in a bit, so I probably won't post any Venla updates. But, the Venla is giving me something to think about for the Jukola. First, it is fast. Fast. The women who are doing best on the third leg just went through 3.5 km in as fast as just under 16 minutes. So, they're orienteering at well under 5 min/km. The speaker interviewed someone (Hanna Palm, of IHKP, I think) about her run on the second leg. She said it was easy and that running spead would make the difference. She also said you could see a long way in the terrain.

-- Michael (, June 19, 2004.

So we have two Team Attackpoints entered in the Jukola. Even without the Swampfox, will we see a "surprise americaine"?

-- mean gene (, June 19, 2004.

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