
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I'm 32, just got a staff job, but my real true calling if for War Photography...

What can I do? I don't want to sit and wait to something to come down from the sky....

Ive heard about freelancing, getting a grant or fellowships, proposals, all these to help me finance a story....

Can someone share their experience with me? thanks


-- Jeannie Claudio (jeannieclaudio@yahoo.com), July 13, 2004


I am actually in the same sort of situation and interested in hearing what others have to say. I just got a press card from an organization oversees but I don't believe they are not interested in funding.

Thanks in advance.


-- Matthew Arnold (badtzmat@earthlink.net), August 09, 2004.

Having been a photographer with military public affairs (not US), and having served in Iraq, I dont advise you to freelance in a war zone... ever. You have little protection and lots of people happy to put a bullet in you. These days I much prefer shooting models and writing about issues of concern to the imaging community. Regards Al www.creatifoto.net

-- Al Green (info@creatifoto.net), August 12, 2004.

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