The AMEC Has a Director of Communications? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

While reading Gen Con coverage from the Indy Star last week I noticed several articles referenced a gentleman named Micheal (?) who was identified as AME Director of Communications. His comments read like he was the official media spokesman/press secretary. I was unaware that a professional was serving in this official capacity. I think it is much needed. I don't know how the person got this particular job since he was not elected. Can someone shed some insight on this position? Thanks. QED

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2004


The gentlemen who serves as the Director of Communication for the General Conference is Michael McKinney, a former Connectional YPD President, a product of the 5th Episcopal District. (I served with him on the Connectional YPD Executive Board while President of the Seventh Distirct YPD). When we last spoke, he was a news anchor in Tennessee, I think. He has a journalism/communication degree. I did not see or speak with him in Indy, but I would imagine he is still doing the same thing.

As to Mike's appointment, I am not sure. He could have been selected by the General Board or the Council of Bishops. It was probably paid out of the expenses for the General Conference because I don't think Mike actively serves in the interim.

I must say that the coverage of the GC in the Indianapolis Star was excellent. They had a piece on us everyday while I was there. I would like to think that Mike had a lot to do with that.

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2004

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