Mv Agusta Ago : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Help i cannot decide what to buy Mv Agusta 1000 or Ago version? Is it worthet to pay more for Ago version? one think i knoe for fact this Saturday i am leaving Ferracci show room with the new Agusta. Thanks

-- Agron (, August 12, 2004


I am looking at getting the ago,the conclusion i have is if i buy the standard 1000, im going to get casoli pipes chip/etc. by the time ive done all the bits the price is pretty close to the ago,the difference is the ago is an investment and will go up in value, the 1000 f4 wont go up in value,and most important is that not to many agos are around {definetly the ago} regards Aaron.

-- Aaron Green (, August 12, 2004.

If it does go up in value it will be the first limited edition that has done, don`t forget MV have done the Oro, Senna, SR, SPR, AGO, all produced in batches of 300, and all loosing value like the std bike, a lot of dealers still have SPR`s 10/11 months after getting them.There will doubtless be SPR, Senna etc versions of the 1000 as well.

-- mike (, August 12, 2004.

Agron you may have a funny name but, your bike kicks ass. I've put 15 miles on my 1000 and it is an absolute hooligan's ride in a collecter's museum. I've swung my right leg over factory superbikes and two strokes that will leave any 750 MV Agusta for dead. Buy the 1+1, save the $5000 for goodies like an Ohlins shock and forks and maybe you'll end up with the baddest bike available to the public?

-- sean crane (, August 12, 2004.

go di AGO's way, it is the best looking on the MV production and probably the only one that will remain as the classic f4. regards gianni

-- Gianni Guaglianone (, August 15, 2004.

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