How to split large video clip in two and make 2 vcds? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I'm pretty new with this and I was hoping to make vcd from a large video clip, however, when I drag the file into NTI CD Maker the file is to large for a 80 min CDR. Is there a way I can split it up and put it on 2 CDRs. Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you


-- Lyam Lane (, August 14, 2004


You have two options here. Check:;16

for information on splitting video clips for VCDs. You can also see if your burner supports 90/99 minute CD-Rs and use those instead.

-- Bryan (, August 15, 2004.

I make VCD in 3 steps (using all free software). Step 2 automatically splits the file into multiple CDs if it's too long.

1) TMPGEncoder to create a VCD compliant MPG file

2) VCDGear to create a cue/bin file from the MPG

3) Nero to burn the cue/bin image file on a CDR

TMPGEncoder complains if the file is too long. Just ignore it. VCDGear will take care of the file splitting.

If you'd like to choose exactly where to break the CD, so that it breaks at a suitable point in the video, you can use TMPGEncoder to manually select a section for CD 1, another for CD 2, etc. But I'm too lazy to do all that. :)

-- Daniel Khoo (, August 15, 2004. makes a very good video editor. They have MPEGVCR, which is a MPEG-1 video only editor (you can use that for VCD). They also have MPEG2VCR (more expensive than MPEGVCR), which can edit MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video. TMPGenc can split movies, but many people have reported audio sync problems with the 2nd disc when they have done this. I'm not sure if VCDgear allows you to split video files or not, but it's free so you could try it.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), August 16, 2004.

Yes, VCDGear allows you to split video files. However, it is entirely automatic. You do not get to choose exactly where the split occurs. There are only have 3 choices.

1) do not split 2) split at 74min (650MB CDR, about 1hr 10m of video) 3) split at 80min (700MB CDR, about 1hr 19m of video)

-- Daniel Khoo (, August 16, 2004.

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