Digital photos transfer : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a digital camera with no tv connection I therefore view photos through my P C

Is it possable to transfer pictures from P C to VCD (Roxio product maybe ) And playing disc though a DVD player so that photos can be viewed through a T V.

Sorry if this appears to be a very basic question but we all have to start somewhere.

Kind regards

-- D A T Siggins (, September 04, 2004


ABSOLUTELY!... By the technology today everything is almost possible...try to use this ... photo2vcd (,PROSHOW, and the NEW Microsoft Movie Maker 2... Search google for more...~Just Smile!

-- BLAZE SPI (BLAZEPSI@YAHOO.COM), September 05, 2004. has some info on how to do this. Yes, it's possible. It's a long story, but there are no guarantees that if you make a photo VCD that it will be playable. Some DVD players demand absolute compliance with the standards for such discs. Pioneer does. Some burning software, such as Nero, can't produce fully compliant photo VCDs. VCDeasy ( does produce fully compliant photo VCDs. Some DVD players won't support VCD format, some players won't play CD-R and/or CD-RW discs, and still others may refuse to play your VCD unless it is in PAL or NTSC format, depending on the player. Most likely your photo VCD will be playable, but there are no guarantees.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), September 07, 2004.

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