Is there such a thing as 20' emt conduit? : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Hi all; does anybody know if emt conduit is available in lengths other than 10 feet? 7 feet would be ideal, but 14 or 20 would work too.

Where is a good (translate: inexpensive) source for conduit in the SF Bay area?

-- Ed Falk (, September 28, 2004


Allied Tube & Conduit will cut to any length you want, but you may need to buy it by the truck load.

Note that they have a wider variety of diameters of "tube" than just the EMT standard. For example, you could get sizes that will nest of telescope better than for example 3/4" EMT into 1" EMT.

-- Rich Leyden (, February 22, 2005.

berry powerade is badass

-- (, December 23, 2004.

Conduit comes in 20' lengths if you are buying from a steel wholesale/retail, the 10' length is only for electrical contractors. The best prices are usually home depot. If you have a contractor friend and think you can buy enough you can try to get some through wholesale outlets for electricians, but they usually don't have any price advantage over home depot.

-- foo barred? (, November 22, 2004.


-- BILLYBOB (, November 03, 2004.

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