Bleach : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

is there a place for bleach 139+ (hoe long does vrwarper site for POT take to activate)

-- (, October 17, 2004


139 i the latest one that you can download ... but there is also 1 group that translated from chapter 153 .... but it would spoiler you .... ( i haven't downloadet it ^^ ) .... so you must wait ^^

-- vorlon83 (, October 18, 2004.

#Manga-Rain @

-- darqueXsoul (, October 25, 2004.

I'd probably try for direct and torrent downloads and all that other stuff

-- Dave Livingston (, November 09, 2004. , is an amazing site! I consider it the ultimate bleach resource! It got eps manga everything!!!

-- Lunatic (, November 10, 2004.

Just go to Bleach Portal ( they have all current releases of Bleach for direct download.

-- Murtaza Ali (, December 28, 2004.

ummm.. the doesnt work.....

-- Great b-boy Onizuka (, February 22, 2005.

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