choice theory therapists in MO & : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I would like a listing of therapists that practice choice theory in the St. Louis area or in Wisconsin. I hope this approach may be of help to my daughter who is 15. Thanks.
-- mary ann Lynch (, October 19, 2004
I see a 'James M Phelps MA', 7053 Deer Path St. louis 63123[313-481- 6831] and a Diana M Davis 7349 Balson Ave St Louis 63130 [314-862- 4659] ( both of whom are Reality Therapy certified.Karen S Sewall Ed.D, P.O. Box 266 St Alban's MO, 63073. [636-273- 5942] ( May be able to help you more as she knows the geographical area better.
-- ken lyons (, October 19, 2004.