Please pray for an elderly lady who hasn't gone to confession since she was 16 : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hi everybody,

Please keep in your prayers a woman who is now 70 & hasn't gone to confession since she was 16. She is now considering going to confession but the reason she hasn't been until now is because she was molested by a priest at age 16.

She is not bitter at all, but had lost Faith in the sacrament. Thank you for your prayerful support!


-- Joe (joe, October 21, 2004


Prayers awaiting...

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), October 21, 2004.

My prayers are with her Joe.

-- Andy S (""), October 21, 2004.

I'll pray for you and her Joe.

Please everyone pray for me and my son too. He hasn't been to Church in years but yesterday said to me out of the blue, "You know, the only thing that keeps me from going back to church is the fact that they don't have screens in the confessional any more." I'm going to try to tactfully suggest to him that we go together this weekend to a church where I know they still have screens and the priest is very kind. I need your prayers, as you know tact isn't my strong point!

-- Steve (, October 22, 2004.

I will pray for you all today.

Steve, I believe Canon law says there must be both options available for Confession. You shouldn't have to go to another Church because screens should be at yours. No one should be forced to face to face if they don't want. I think this would make it very tough on a Lady or priest who want to confess sins of impurity.

God bless you

-- - (, October 22, 2004.


My prayers are also with you and your son. I know the most important thing to any parent is the salvation of their children.

-- Andy S (""), October 22, 2004.

Canon 964 õ1 The proper place for hearing sacramental confessions is a church or oratory. õ2 As far as the confessional is concerned, norms are to be issued by the Episcopal Conference -- provided, however, that confessionals, which the faithful who so wish may freely use, are located in an open place, and fitted with a fixed grille between the penitent and the confessor. õ3 Except for a just reason, confessions are not to be heard elsewhere than in a confessional.

Steve I copied for you.

-- - (, October 22, 2004.

You got it Joe, and I hope you aren't despairing for her, the Lord has a full understanding of our actions, she sounds like someone who will be pretty darn high on the forgiveness list.


-- Someone (, October 22, 2004.

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