what is the definition of nursing culture? I cannot find it through e-mail.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Transcultural Nursing : One Thread

Dearest Victor: I'm writing the assessment about nursing culture of death and dying people.The statement is as below: Caring for person who is dying requires knowledge of specific cultural and religious rituals. As an individual you have your own cultural beliefs on death and dying, but as a nurse you also have the influence and expectations of the nursing culture. Both of these factors influence the way in which you manage and cope with dying patients.I don't understand the meaning of as s nuse...expectations of the nursing culture.I'm appreciate for your help. shelaine

-- shelaine (siukitbb2001@yahoo.com.hk), November 01, 2004



Culture is a complex concept, "culture" refers to a group or a community who share common experiences that ultimately shape the way they understand the world. This includes groups that we are born into it also includes groups we join or become part of. When we think of culture in this maner, we come to realize we all belong to many cultures at once. In other words culture is a worldview in action.

Visit our site - culturediversity.org and read our article The Provider Culture

Good luck and hope this helps.


-- victor (postmaster@culturediversity.org), November 06, 2004.

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