HoW to doWnLoad SonGs WitH toRrenT..?????? : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

I DoN't UnDeRsTanD to DownLoaD SongS wiTh toRrent.. pLeaSe.. Can You teLL me??

-- Sierra Mikain (, November 14, 2004


1st you need a program like ABC Torrent.

This soft is not stable (may crash sometimes) but it has a lot of advantage (multiple download in the same interface, simple, you could view progress, manage upload & download, ...).

This soft is available on :

You must install it.

When it's done, you must go to the torrent site ... like :

You should save the torrent file (xxxx.torrent) on your hard-drive (right clic - save has ...).

When it's done, double-click on this file (on your hard-drive).

If nothing happen, Launch ABC Torrent (click on the icone). You have to click on "Add Torrent File" icone and choose your xxxx.torrent file.

You will have the interface again and it will ask you where you want to save it on your hard-drive.

You must have your torrent file in "Working" status in the windows below.

To change status : Right click and choose pause - resume (download) - remove - queue - ...


-- Gordon_Freeman (, January 04, 2005.

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