Looking for wholesale teagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Tea Forum : One Thread |
I am looking for wholesale tea. If anyone know where I can find it please e-mail me. Thank you.
-- Grace Lim (frynoodle@hotmail.com), November 22, 2004
Hi,At Leyden House Holistic Personal Care Products we sell retail & wholesale lavender Green Tea with Larch & Cranberry Green Tea with Larch.
Minumum $250.00 Purchase over the phone at 1-800-754-0668 v/mc to receive our wholesale pricing. Check out our product under "Green Tea" at http://www.leydenhouse.org
-- Donald Bosso (mail@leydenhouse.org), November 24, 2004.
Dear Sir/MadamFirstly let us introduce ourselves as an active trading company which is named Farhan International Trading Company. We have alot of experience in Export iranian tea. So if you are interest in our product don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards, Behshid Bahreman
Tel:+98 511 7641152 Mobile: +98 9153107783 Fax:+98 511 7641301 E-mail: bhf.int.co@gmail.com Ad:Unit 13- Third floor- Vesal building- 2nd Bahar St.- Sajjad Blvd.- MASHHAD- IRAN
-- Behshid Bahreman (bhf.int.co@gmail.com), March 05, 2005.