who makes after-market air filters???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've done some searching but can't find any manufacturers of after-market air filters...

who makes them and are they worth it?

thanks, Allen

-- Allen (iwantwu@hotmail.com), November 30, 2004


For the F4: No-Toil http://www.italobikes.de/onlineshop/product_info.php?products_id=334

For the Brutale: BMC http://www.f4oro.com/Parts/All_Other/all_other.html

-- Eric Hos (mrgrey@magix.com.sg), November 30, 2004.

I have a new in the boc BMC Air filter for a Brutale for sale!!! $40.00

-- brian (brianbriguy187@msn.com), December 01, 2004.

thanks for the links!

I was looking for an air filter for the F4. are there any US based distributors?

and does anyone know of the performance gains from a filter? I'm thinking about getting one in conjuction with headers/exhaust/PWC III.

thanks again, Allen

-- Allen (iwantwu@hotmail.com), December 01, 2004.

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