Protestant view on Fatima : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

I think that most Protestants know about the Fatima vision in 1917. Caholics believe that 3 small choldren, ages 6 to 10 saw the vision of a beautiful woman. The event took place in Portugal in a remote cova.

The children were visited 6 times between May and October, on the 13th of each month, except for August when the authorities arrested them.

They wee told that the war would soon end and that there would be a greatr war if the people would not repent. Russia would spread her errors throughout the world , nations would be anihilated , and the Church would suffer.

Before anyone says that it was lies, that the Church put them up to it etc, it is just the opposite. The church and the secular people gave them a very hard time, even threatening to kill them.

The miracle of October 13th was seen by 70,000 people, plus people miles away. If you say they had mass hypnotism in seeing the sun dance how do you explain that the rain stopped, the ground and their clothes were soaked and yet within a minute the ground was dry and there was no sign of the rain.

Scientists have said that for that event to happen, it would have taken a heat so geat that the people would have been incinerated. No one was harmed, people that were blind saw, and crippled people walked. It cannot be explained away so easily.

-- TC (, December 14, 2004


Well I grew up chruch of Christ, and still have a hard time applyign the lable "pROTESTNAT: TO MYSELF, THOUHG i AM ATTENDIGN FOUR sQUARE, THE HTEOLOGY JUST DOESNT FIT ME.

All this said, I have no idea. I consider Fatima to be of interest, and unlike the majority of Chrich of Christ, I accpet Modern Miracles.

But Protestnats in general, they I dot know.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), December 14, 2004.

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