from luke : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread

I posted this on another forum but didn't get any replies. Just a lot of peeping toms. Y'all are more like a family, so I'm open to advice.

Looking for Stability

I finished High School a semester early and jumped into the Armed Forces. That didn't work out, and I was discharged roughly three months later.

That fall I moved to another city and found a part-time job with good people. I worked second jobs off and on, trying to keep the money coming in. I developed advanced computer skills and knowledge of accounting software.

Just six months ago, I moved to another state and found a temporary job that has now become permanent. I'm a frieght handler--driving a forklift. There is room to climb the ladder here.

But to where?

I want to play the guitar and write a book. I want to go on mission trips. But when? Trips cost money. Writing and playing don't make much. I'm 20 years of age and already have a car note to pay off and a credit card bill, the result of a failed promise from my parents. I pay on time and I am never late for work. I am friendly and respectful, I don't cause problems and don't mind hard work. My parents think I matured to early, but I'm always trying to build on my life experience.

So why do I lack dicipline in the things I want to do? I can't get my focus, and I don't have time to even start looking. I need to keep my responsibility to pay what I owe, yet I'll only get older and owe someone else.

I'm a quick learner, but I feel I'm wasting my skills sitting on my bum. But what's the alternative? I don't even have the will to chase ambition.

-- Luke Juarez (, December 16, 2004



-- Andy (""), December 16, 2004.

Luke, are you experiencing the blues now? I see that a lot in December. More or less like: why do bad things happen to me kind of situations.....?

would you like to fly away? (pop@themagicdragon.slow) (upupandaway@mybeautifulballoon.oooon)

The Christian Yahwist

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, December 16, 2004.

In a way, yes. I'm just frustrated at the lack of focus in my life.

-- Luke Juarez (, December 16, 2004.

Luke, you could always become a teacher. You'll find time to play the guitar and write books there. Ask rod, teachers don't do a thing :)

On the mission's trips, you can always find one of those big churches to sponser you. What State do you live in?

-- David Ortiz (, December 17, 2004.

Hi Luke.

Those credit cards can be real monsters in your life. You do pay them off on time, but the problem will arise when the cards make it easy to buy things that are way beyond our financial capabilities. Many people have found themselves drowning in an ocean of debt because of those credit cards.

I do not own a single credit card, nor do I plan on owning any. Everything is paid in cash. If I don't have the cash, I don't buy it. But, each has their own lifestyle and financial behaviours.

I am fortunate that I play music every single day of my life--school, church, and professionally. But, I'm also a music teacher. Every career has its pleasure and pain. I have too much music in me to be anything else, but a musician.

When I was 19, I was SUPERMAN. I attended college full-time and worked full-time. Many times I sang the blues cuz I was blue. It was difficult to live for the future in the middle of a mad work schedule. But, it all pays off eventually.

I found that the best place to do music is in church. It is real hard to get kicked out of a church musical group. You also meet many good people and sometimes get good business connections. Christians tend to take care of each other much better than others.

My parents once tried to give me their car while I was up in college. I refused to accept it. I couldn't leave them without a car. I walked everyday to the university. I'm glad I did. I slimmed down to a SUPERMAN physique and found a beautiful woman to get married with. (Well, that's another story.)

I got to run. We have a faculty "workday" today--party.

-- rod (, December 17, 2004.

"We have a faculty "workday" today--party." - rod

See what I'm talking about Luke? ;)

-- David Ortiz (, December 17, 2004.

Well, Luke,

it is always good to have goals in life. Some turned out to be unrealistic.

But hope is the last thing to die. That is my name in Greek.

Some of the things I wanted to do when I was your age,20:

1)Be president of Mexico.

2)Be a lawyer.

3)Be a professional soccer player in Mexico.

4) Be an agronomist.

5) Found a political party.

When I was around 40:Make a universal Church.

Soccer player is now out of the question. But I could still be a coach. At one time I coached girls in High School for 2 years:1999- 2001.

The Christian Yahwist

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, December 17, 2004.

Luke, enroll in college. Get financial aid and go for it. Do your general education requirements first, meet new people, meet a girl, expand your horizons... Then, you'll discover your true passions (which may end up having a lot to do with that girl) and then you'll go from there.

Part of life is learning about yourself and getting a college education is very important in that part of self-discovery. Don't let anybody talk you out of it or say it's not worth the cost.

I'm making an independent feature film right now (which is turning out more amazing than I could have imagined and I can't imagine doing anything else) and I had no idea this is where I'd end up when I was at the "what's the point" place where you are now.

I've been at the point you're at where you have no idea what to do with your life and you ask... "what's the point in getting too involved with one dream if it's not the right dream?" etc. etc. There is no "right dream" really. You have to believe that whatever you do, it's predestined of God to take you where you're supposed to be in the future. Only believe! Follow your heart and the Lord. Don't be too conservative in taking chances.

I hope this applies to your life and helps in some way. Lord Bless!

-- Max Darity (, December 17, 2004.

Luke, be sure to do something that you can see yourself earning a good income from, but also something that draws on your talents. I have college debt right now and am working on my Master's, and while this is where I want to be, and I believe God led me here, my debt is going to hinder my plans for a few years. (Namely, entering the sisterhood). Be careful with getting into college debt! That's my advice. God bless,

-- Emily (""), December 17, 2004.


I sent you an email... :-)

-- Kevin Walker (""), December 17, 2004.

I like Emily's idea. I think I'll become a nun.

-- Luke Juarez (, December 17, 2004.

I didn't let anyone talk me out of college except myself. I never really envisioned a career path that direction. I was just eager to get out of high school. I took a month's vaca after graduating and came back. A recruiter called from the Army. I was enlisted less than a week later, and actually went in an E-3 (Private First Class). This was the winter after 9/11.

God had different plans for me. He took me out of Ft. Benning with only a few months under my belt, in which time I learned to cuss and steal donuts.

Some people say I'm lucky. I never had to go to war. I was infantry, with hopes of going airborne. Sigh. I still have regrets that I'm not in. I was 17, it was a three year tour. Chances are, I still would have been in considering the war. Btw, my hair is much longer than they would have allowed.

Sorry to say, I still don't know what his plans are.

-- Luke Juarez (, December 17, 2004.

I never got in debt with the system even though I got married when I went back to school. It was tough. I was working and studying at the same time that I was a dad and a husband.

At least you are single now. Use any skills you learned while in the service, Luke.

You are not called to be a preacher. You must be a motivator to be one.You are more of a pacifist than a warrior.If you work in the church more likely will be in a different position, like a writer,...

Career choices for you: -Politician (councilman,...)

-public servant (public employee)

-draft designer




-public relations


-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, December 17, 2004.

Luke, I know of some personality test info if you want help in that area. I think Elpidio's assessment is a good start.

-- Emily (""), December 17, 2004.

Thanks Kevin. Actually I'm in New Mexico now, but the love of my life is in Arizona :-(

-- Luke Juarez (, December 17, 2004.


Your welcome...

I sent you another link via email for New Mexico...

-- Kevin Walker (""), December 18, 2004.


count yr blessings. you're 20 years old and a nice young man. circumspection is a good thing too.

you have your life ahead of you.

so take it easy, dude. keep your eyes open. career and other opportunities will come your way.

i personally think that you could, in time, make a very fine traditional Catholic priest. you never know ;-))

but whatever you do, don't go changing. your time will come.

-- Ian (, December 18, 2004.

Thanks Ian, but I was circumspected as a new born and didn't have much choice.

-- Luke Juarez (Luke, December 18, 2004.


I think Columbus had his belly button done. He circumnavigated it while discovering he was lost while trying to discover the New World.

I've heard of men not needing to lay down while having it done--circumstances.


-- rod (, December 18, 2004.

>I sent you another link via email for New Mexico<

University of New Mexico? I went there a few years. ;)

Don't discount college because you can't "see" yourself going that route or fear having debt or don't have examples to follow. (School debt is another word for investment.) You truly have no idea what your options are until you begin to learn who you are, until you meet people who bring out aspects of your personality you never knew existed, until you meet an educated girl (avoid the ones who don't value education), etc. College will help you learn about yourself.

If you don't VALUE education in this modern world, you will be severely limited in your choices. That's a cold hard fact. Basically, your chances of expanding your liberty in this life are "squashed" if you think higher education is not for you. Get on it! You'll figure out a major as you go and might change it a couple times along the way.

-- Max Darity (, December 19, 2004.

>You are not called to be a preacher.<

This is how God confounds the wise of this world... he uses unlikely human beings in unlikely ways.

God can use any personality type He wishes. It depends on God's power and purpose according to His own timing, not on human wisdom or presumptuous personality assessments. The meeker and weaker the better, that the power of the Gospel rests not on man's ability, but the power of God.

The question is not, "Should I decide to be a preacher as a career option?" (Stay away if this is your motivation.) The question is, "Have I been called by the Holy Spirit?"

-- Max Darity (, December 19, 2004.


Elpidio provided some sound advice, but i would agree that the humbler the Christian messenger (cf the Holy Family), the more powerful the message.

the best priests don't have to shout or put on a show. they lead by Holy example. unwittingly, they put us to shame.

i semi-joked about Luke becoming a Catholic priest (i would love it if he did though i know he is a protestant), but the basis of my joke was that the moderate, modest, listener can be a great role model.

-- Ian (, December 20, 2004.

HI Ian and Luke,

I was remembering Luke's halloween costume. I was gonna counter Ian's joke with "....he could become a nun". But, I decided not too. I'm glad I didn't. :)

Boy, that was a close one!

(Just joking, guys.)


-- rod (, December 20, 2004.


don't go giving that young man ideas!

-- Ian (, December 20, 2004.

No, it's true. I'm not really an aggressive person unless I'm involved in some activity such as football or video game. Sometimes I can get pretty aggrevated with a heavy box that I can't move, building motivation to push it. Then I push it off the dock and throw things at it.

I could never be a priest Ian, though, I'm flattered that you suggested it (even half-joking). I would enjoy teaching the Word, and usually can resolve conflict well. But I can't tell people straight up that they are wrong and to get out of the church.

-- Luke Juarez (, December 20, 2004.

Hi Luke.

I guess that all we can really do is to study what we perceive to be the truth. Then, we teach others by example of that truth. Somewhere down the road we suddenly get hit by a bolt of "light". We either learn that we are in the truth or we learn what the truth really is. We can't pull people out of their "truth", but they can hopefully pull themselves out. People are like big boxes--some are easy, some are difficult. But, the ease of the push or pull comes from the faith we have. Which reminds me...

I ordered a pizza and the checker asked, "Do you want a box for that?" I answered, "No, I've got money". (Think about it.)


-- rod (, December 21, 2004.

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